kerry washington

  1. M

    I Think I Love My Wife (2007) was a much better movie than people gave it credit for at the time

    This might be my favorite Chris Rock movie. Real talk. Or at least tied with CB4 and Head of State. This shyt was hilarious as fukk from beginning to end, but also had EXTREMELY deep messages. When Chris & Kerry Washington are throwing dollar bills out of the office window, it was deeply...
  2. J

    kerry washington best role is

    i think i love my wife
  3. Neil Tyson

    Is Kerry Washington On A Bed Wench Kick?

    First Olivia Pope then Anita Hill who's next? A Zoe Saldana biopic :mjpls:
  4. J

    is Kerry Washington on a bed wench kick?

    first Olivia pope, now Anita hill? who next super head?
  5. pickles

    HBO's CONFIRMATION Kerry Washington as Anita Hill

    On April 16, Kerry Washington is Anita Hill and Wendell Pierce is Clarence Thomas in Confirmation. HBO got another one. :banderas: I sort of remember this from my childhood, but now I can fully understand it. Check it out brehs. :obama: