julian assange

  1. GPBear

    Julian Assange Arrested

    :francis: Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange arrested Ecuador withdrew his sanctuary after seven years in their British embassy and the met police swooped in. I don’t know if he’s being extradited to Sweden or the US.
  2. Jimi Swagger

    Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning 'to make life hard' for Julian Assange

    Julian Assange has claimed that Barack Obama only granted clemency to Chelsea Manning to "make life hard for him". One of Mr Obama's last acts as president was to commute Ms Manning's sentence, allowing her to be released in a matter of months rather than decades. The act was widely seen as a...
  3. FAH1223

    Julian Assange: "Donald? It's a change anyway"

    Julian Assange: "Donald? It's a change anyway" LONDON – When they appeared on the scene for the first time in 2006, few noticed them. And when four years later they hit worldwide media headlines with their publication of over 700,000 secret US government documents, many assumed that Julian...
  4. FAH1223

    Exclusive interview by John Pilger with Julian Assange

  5. FAH1223

    Julian Assange is selling a book featuring Hillary Clinton's paid speeches

    :russ: Hillary Clinton: The Goldman Sachs Speeches $10 e-book, $16 paperback