
  1. TEH

    Are only religious people tempted to do wrong?

    See title
  2. SirReginald

    Why Do Christians Hold Anti-Semitic Views About Jews & Condemn Non Believers To Hell?

    Look, they have been doing it since the beginning. Look up what happened with the Sephardic Anusim in Spain. They forcefully converted them to Christianity. I don't hate Christianity. In fact, I admire Christianity, but it's followers turn me off. They have to prosthelytize you. For...
  3. SirReginald

    Do You Believe There's Some Truth In All Religions?

    For instance; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have truth to it. I personally believe while Jesus/Yeshua may have existed that he wasn't G-d. Just a master Rabbi. However, do you believe all religions can lead to g-d or have truths to it? Excluding Satanism and spinoff hodgepodge like...
  4. Rhapscallion Démone

    Which religious group has the most cherry pickers

    Christianity Judaism Islam Voudon Scientology Stanology Other
  5. Jimi Swagger

    The Museum That Places the Bible at the Heart of America’s Identity

    The new facility tells a national story through the lens of the holy book. The Museum of the Bible has officially opened its doors, flanked by two giant golden tablets of scripture. The building stands just blocks from the National Mall and offices of the House of Representatives; the top floor...
  6. SirReginald

    RELIGIOUS DEBATE: Judaism, Christianity, And Islam Connect. So, Why Do ALL THREE BASH Each Other?

    Yeah I'm tryna get Plat :umad: However, this has been on my mind. Not my first religion thread, but this is different. I want this to be a serious thread:birdman: Anyway, all THREE of these religions connect right :jbhmm: So, why will a member of a different faith say you're going to hell...