irish scum

  1. Columbo

    Celtics team chemistry is decaying faster then the flesh and bone in Kyrie's knee

    This was suppose to be the year they went to the Finals now that Lebrons out west :mjlol: Tatum saying he wouldnt mind being the face of the Pelicans The Kylie drama Ainge comparing Lebron to Trump Hayward playing good 1 out of every 5 games Philly, Bucks and Raptors all improving while AD...
  2. Columbo

    Obese Red Sox fan makes fun of 9\11 in reference to the Yankees losing to Bostscum

    BabyBronxBombers: Fat Slob From Roxbury Named "Junior Ponce" Makes Fun Of 9/11 In Reference To The Yankees Losing To Boston In The ALDS, People Rash His Life
  3. Columbo

    Spin Thread: What are things cacs do to get their white pass revoked?

    :patrice: Just one more thing, what is a white c00n? I seen a nikka say that on here the other day