
  1. B

    This is the real reason why the US wants to ban TikTok. A thread of videos that young people are watching and sharing by the millions If you quote this post, spoiler the tweet you aren't commenting on.
  2. the class

    What can y'all tell me about Albuquerque? May be getting a job there

  3. Heywood Jablowme


    Coli Family, Two years ago, I attended an event at the Los Angeles Contemporary Museum of Art (LACMA) that featured one of my favorite Black progressives and visionaries, Arthur Jafa. Jafa has been a leading voice for Black empowerment and a key contributor to Black visual culture. It was...
  4. Black Panther

    Y'all's Personal Info Is On the Net

    For real. Not a scam. GO DELETE THIS NOW!!!! Looked up my name, and it had my email, phone number, full name, and all my current and former street addresses since high school :merchant::damn: Verified by Snopes: FACT CHECK: Do TruePeopleSearch and FamilyTreeNow Share Sensitive Data...
  5. HoldThisL

    What is blacks first religion?

    I was just wondering what is our first religion or did we even have one before Cac Christianity was forced upon the Slaves:jbhmm:? Someone enlighten a brother.:lupe:
  6. ineedsleep212

    U.S. Ranks 41st In Press Freedom Index Thanks To 'War On Whistleblowers'

    2016 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders The U.S. is ranked 41 out of 180 countries in Reporters Without Borders' World Press Freedom Index, which measures the "level of freedom of information in 180 countries." According to the organization, the U.S. moved from 49 in 2015 to...
  7. MushroomX

    The United Swears of America based on 13-14' Tweets

  8. MostReal

    Local Government Thread

    Feel free to add on to how things work, people are elected, appointed, who they answer to & how money flows. I'll start with the County Administrator CA is appointed by the BoS. This position is very powerful..he only answers to the Board of Supervisors (I believe)
  9. F

    IT Certifications and Careers (Official Discussion Thread)

    I aint gonna lie, i'm just in it for the check. I'm pretty smart, so I know I could easily do it so what's the best route to get started? I need to be making 100k in the next few years. School me!