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    Record YOUR OWN "L" aka Die Like a Ho Brehs

    Dude Records Himself After Smashing His Car Into A Garbage Truck! "I Broke My Leg, Y'all Pray For Me" Negro have some dignity, call 911 & stop crying about your damn leg
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    Anything for "Likes": Dude Shoots Himself In The Face + Swallows Bullet For Social Media! (Graphic)

    :snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop: If your "friends" cheer you on while you shoot yourself, please get new "friends" To my coli gun experts- looked like a .22 or starter pistol or something what yall think? :ohhh: still dumb asf either way
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    Gucci Mane Hilarious Commentary As He Watches Himself In Spring Breakers Movie! "I Ain't Get No Osca
