herbal cure

  1. Rhapscallion Démone


    12 CAT REPELLENT PLANTS THYME Thyme is a wonderful cat repellent herb to grow in any garden as it is also a natural antibiotic. Like lots of herbs it’s best off in pots, which is handy for repelling cats as you can move the pots around to different parts of the garden to protect nesting...
  2. loyola llothta

    Madagascar Slams WHO for Not Endorsing Its Herbal Cure

    12 May 2020 Madagascar Slams WHO for Not Endorsing Its Herbal Cure President Rajoelina said WHO has shut eyes, as a drug to combat COVID-19 has been discovered by a poor African country By Felix Tih Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina has slammed the World Health Organization for not...