have a blessed day

  1. Realm-Breaker

    Instagram Model Genesis Lopez!📸

    😻 😻 😻 https://linkgenie.net/Genesislopez @priority
  2. Rhapscallion Démone

    Which one deserves the most attention?

    Both are old classics that have really good climaxes. One's a musical produced by Jack Nicholson and the other is an action movie whose soundtrack was produced by Issac Hayes. Musicals and Action movies are garunteed block busters but which one deserves the most praise?
  3. Rhapscallion Démone

    I'm trying to hide Easter eggs in my grandmother garden

    And I catch these two freaks out here doing the nasty in broad daylight on this good Sunday. Bruh had both feet on the back of ole girl neck. :picard: I was flabbergasted. After I gathered my thoughts I ran over to them and said And they took off because they knew I wasn't playing...