go vote

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    Convicted Felons can run for president even if they can't vote

    People can run for president while serving time. So the only sure way to keep the orange orangutan out of office and in an orange jumpsuit is to go vote. I can't look at this for 8 potential years...
  2. C

    Can we honestly say that as Black people we maxed out in America

    People talking about a revolution like we dne max out on all our opportunities in America...most people running at 10% of their potential. I’ll see if we collectively made it to a point where the white man gave us a clear line and we been at that line for a minute and can’t cross. But most of us...
  3. The M.I.C.

    2017 POTY and WPOTY Voting Is Open

    Congrats to the best and worst posters of 2017 :salute: Please do your duty by voting and contributing to the democratic process. :salute: