
  1. RhodyRum

    NBA All Time Goons

    Ain't no long intro. Title is self explanatory. I'll kick things off with the letter "X" Let's have us a fighting good time in this thread! :blessed:
  2. Wig Twistin Season

    Have You Ever Swung On… :sas2:

    :sas2: a. A black man. b. A white man c. A woman d. A non black or white man e. A non black or white woman ***MULTIPLE ANSWERS ARE ACCEPTED*** Please explain the circumstances of why one, but not the other if you are the type to confront people physically or verbally. Don’t trip, I’m not...
  3. Rhapscallion Démone

    Something new challenge gone wrong lol

    Lil man said I'm gonna show y'all something new alright :dead: