
  1. Playaz Eyez

    KenTheMan - Kinda Famous [Album]

    Never listened to a full KenTheMan project so I’ll peep a hometown chick’s stuff soon enough @SoulController @NormanConnors @5hunidd @ATLien @Soundwave @AlbertPullhoez @thaKEAF @hotbeezie @JordanWearinThe45 @Asicz @who_better_than_me @LeflaurLeflahEshkoshka @True Blue Moon @LezJepzin...
  2. JadeB

    What was your first neg for?

    Just curious.
  3. Grand Conde

    Wolfenstein II: The New Collossus (PS4/PC/XB1) OT

    Holy shyt this looks crazzzzyyyyyyyy! Coming Oct 27th.
  4. SmokyQuartz

    I Got My G.E.D Free daps n reps

    I passed all four test In the first try too brehs, now on to community college to further indoctrinate myself in the white mans education system :blessed: @King Musa I got a 161 on that English test tho say something bout my spelling again :troll:
  5. SmokyQuartz

    Rate My First Beat

    Be honest (savage) if you have too
  6. M

    How to WIN SCHOOL: Mom Skools Son on Roasting B4 First Day

    In b4 C00n & cacs with Black people dont study/he should focus on class comments:comeon:- OMG I know its ridiculous for a mom and son to have fun:comeon:- He could grow up to be a great comedian bc of these moments but what do i know :manny: MOM of the fuccing year :mjcry::mjcry::mjcry::wow...
  7. M

    Black Excellence: DeKalb County becomes first Georgia district to name school for President Obama

    President Barack Obama uses a spy glass to play with a Decatur student during a 2013 visit to Georgia. And didn't have to die for it to happen - Eastside ATL...we in here
  8. M

    Josh Childress on What Happens When You Sign Your First NBA Contract

    In a way I appreciate what he saying :jbhmm:, but after spending my WHOLE life getting by on less than 40k a year- I feel no sympathy :manny: Give me $11M spread out over 5 years ( I have earned around 110k over the last 5 years-), and its still more than i have EVER made in all my years...