film room

  1. Low End Derrick

    The Greatest Black Actors in Film History - Who Y'all Think is Missing?

  2. MushroomX

    Belle can lie all she wants, she regretted kissing Beast

    When the Prince turned around fully human, you can see in her eyes, she regretted kissing him and lifting the curse. :ufdup: This is what you wanted!
  3. L2014

    Do we have a problem?

  4. Days of Future Piff

    Favorite character in the OG Star Wars Trilogy (4, 5, and 6)?

    If your favorite isn't on the list, shout them out in the comments. (There are a lot of memorable minor characters in the movies (Greedo, Biggs, Admiral Piett, IG-88, Bossk, Wicket, Nien Nunb, Mon Mothma, etc.) and I can only create so many poll options.) May the force be with you :obama:
  5. CodeBlaMeVi

    Kids’ Short Film - Terror Park

    Written and Directed by Freddy Long