feel good

  1. Adeptus Astartes

    Have Daughters, Brehs

    Came home from work and laid on the couch for a nap. Was about to drift off when I hear my daughters come over. They pat me on the head, sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", and attempt to put a blanket on me. Have daughters, brehs
  2. ORDER_66

    Some nice news today, 8 year old black girl wins $1M lottery by mistake. yes i know

  3. Uitomy

    You ever just lose yourself in sex sometimes?

    Like, to the point its almost like you got an alter ego or some shyt? Like even when you know you're going to smash when you do it you be so into it its like you forget what time is and who you really supposed to be? To the point after it over you be like:dwillhuh: did I just do all that? should...
  4. Matt504

    The Legacy of Dr X

    A fighter An artist Unapologetically Black Hurt Cold Emotional A genius Lonely Angry Optimistic Pessimistic Hopeful Dr X wanted to save you and you wanted to feel good. Black people want to feel good more than they want to be free, feeling good is at the very top of our unorganized and...