
  1. SirReginald

    "Will Africa Ever Adopt A Black First Not Tribal First Mentality?"

    Duration - 24 minutes - Cliffs "It would be very difficult for the African continent to stand on its own because the White peole are still colonizing us". Intriguing discussion @Theraflu @Diasporan Royalty move this to theroot. Posted in the wrong section.
  2. KamikazePilot

    Viola Davis says black woman aren't romantically linked with white men enough in flims

    I'm trying to get that second plat :ohlawd: Let's start a dialogue :mjgrin:
  3. SirReginald

    The PROGRESSIVE Democrats Should Start Their Own Party (Dems Won't Change)

    Yeah, I know starting a 3rd party is difficult, but it's the sacrifice Progressives have to make :snoop: Because the DNC will never change :francis: You would have thought AFTER Clinton got her ass embarrassed that the corporate folk would fall back. Nope, now they are making things worse. I...
  4. SirReginald

    Just Because Someone Has A DIFFERENT View Point Doesn't Make Them A C00N (That's A COPOUT ARGUMENT)

    Listen, I don't let what coli brehs say on here change how I view things in anyway :manny: I just take a good laugh and keep it moving. However, I have been tagged countless of threads that meant nothing :snoop: Also, I have had a thread on me getting called a c00n :wtf: TBH, what @The...
  5. SirReginald

    BARBERSHOP TALK: If MLK Had Lived, He Would Have "PROBABLY" Ran For President

    SERIOUS THREAD NO TROLLING Even though he originally said he had no interest in political office in 1968 it didn't seem like he ruled it out for the future :manny: MLK could have made huge waves in the 1984 or 88 (he would have been 59 in 88') Democratic primaries even though he was originally...