democratic party

  1. Paper Boi

    Stephen A gonna run for president in 2028 :wow:

  2. Loose

    Ana Kasparian (TYT) leaves the Democratic Party; UPDATE: Cenk went on PBD and sold out its over Days old but yea no surprise here she been sounding like a libertarian/republican weekly. Typical white woman
  3. Raiders

    Blue MAGA / Blue Anon / Resistance Liberals

    When did blue maga become a thing? I’ve seen it referenced 3 times in the past few hours, is this the new both sides are the same push from the right to discourage voter turnout?
  4. B

    The Long-Shot Candidate Who Has the White House Worried - Joe Biden has a Cornel West problem. The Long-Shot Candidate Who Has the White House Worried Joe Biden has a Cornel West problem. By Mark Leibovich Andrew Burton / Getty JULY 20, 2023 Pull up a sticky green lawn chair...
  5. FAH1223

    The Democratic Party is about to become a regional party

    Democrats sound the alarm over pro-Trump Senate nightmare Mike Allen, author of Axios AM Illustration: Brendan Lynch/Axios There's something much worse than losing the House, and possibly the Senate, that's rattling top Democrats who are studying polling and election trends: The big picture...
  6. FAH1223

    How the GOP reshaped America to hold onto power

    :wow: LONG READ BUT WORTH IT :wow: Written by Thom Hartmann / Independent Media Institute September 22, 2020 In the power grab to fill the Supreme Court seat announced the same evening as the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mitch McConnell didn’t do anything new. The GOP has a long...
  7. FAH1223

    Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders Task Forces Publish Proposals

    110 page document :whew: :smugbiden: WASHINGTON — A coalition of Democrats has presented Joe Biden with a roadmap for an ambitious, progressive agenda in the White House that would include proposals to immediately address ongoing crises, reflecting areas of consensus reached after weeks of...
  8. King Static X

    2020 DNC Platform Drafting Committee Announced

    Does this secretly take KLB & Duckworth out of the VP considerations? :patrice:
  9. FAH1223

    Here’s What The Big Fight Over The DNC’s Data Is Really About

    Here’s What The Big Fight Over The DNC’s Data Is Really About The squabble says a lot about the party’s preparations for 2020, the future of state parties and Chairman Tom Perez’s leadership. By Kevin Robillard and Daniel Marans JACQUELYN MARTIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS Tom Perez, chairman of the...
  10. FAH1223

    Centrist Democrats Want A Presidential Candidate To Take On Bernie. They Just Don’t Know Who It Is.

    Centrist Democrats Want A Presidential Candidate To Take On Bernie. They Just Don’t Know Who It Is. “It’s accurate to say most of the energy on Twitter is on the far left, and a lot of the energy in Washington is on the far left.” Molly Hensley-Clancy BuzzFeed News Reporter Reporting From...
  11. JahFocus CS

    The Democratic Party is White Supremacist, Too [BAR article]

  12. AnonymityX1000

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - "Not All Dems Are The Same"

    :takedat: Primary Challenger to Rep. Joe Crowley.
  13. FAH1223

    DNC Unity Commission agrees on slate of historic reforms

    WASHINGTON ― At its final meeting on Friday and Saturday, the Democratic National Committee’s Unity and Reform Commission agreed to a set of dramatic revisions aimed at restoring faith in the presidential nomination process and the management of the DNC. The 21-member panel, which held its...
  14. FAH1223

    The Democratic Party’s Looming Fundraising Crisis

    Getty Images POLITICS The Democratic Party’s Looming Fundraising Crisis Trump-era Republicans learned from Bernie Sanders’ success. The Democratic National Committee still hasn’t. And that fact threatens to undo Dems’ potential gains. By MICHAEL WHITNEY August 10, 2017 Halfway through Year...
  15. FAH1223

    The Democrats continue to ally with Neocons

    Great read. Seeing people like David Frum and other Iraq war cheerleaders becoming faces of resistance to the Orange buffoon is a joke :pacspit:
  16. FAH1223

    Seeing red: Membership triples for the Democratic Socialists of America

  17. FAH1223

    Liberal elites are Donald Trump's greatest allies

    Donald Trump’s Greatest Allies Are the Liberal Elites Posted on Mar 5, 2017 By Chris Hedges Mr. Fish / Truthdig The liberal elites, who bear significant responsibility for the death of our democracy, now hold themselves up as the saviors of the republic. They have embarked, despite their own...
  18. FAH1223

    Leaked Emails: Dem State Leaders Think Obama’s New Organizing Army is ‘Grade A Bullshyt’

    State Democratic leaders are right to be pissed off.
  19. FAH1223

    The Wall Street backers of Clinton, Obama and Democrats now allying themselves with Trump

    :mjlol: One Party in America brehs! The Corporate Party :heh: Wall Street Is Even More Craven Than We Thought | The Huffington Post Wall Street Is Even More Craven Than We Thought Jamie Dimon and Donald Trump. BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES WASHINGTON ― Democrats used to see Jamie Dimon as one...
  20. SirReginald

    The PROGRESSIVE Democrats Should Start Their Own Party (Dems Won't Change)

    Yeah, I know starting a 3rd party is difficult, but it's the sacrifice Progressives have to make :snoop: Because the DNC will never change :francis: You would have thought AFTER Clinton got her ass embarrassed that the corporate folk would fall back. Nope, now they are making things worse. I...