
  1. JadeB

    What is the most useful non-STEM degree?

    I'm taking Public Relations and all factors are showing that it's a growing field with lots of job prospects:yeshrug: What do y'all think?
  2. JadeB

    "I work two jobs and not for the money"

    tl;dw -She is a chiropractor and flight attendant and works 60 hours a week -Went to school for physical therapy and graduated but lost interest in chiropractor work over time -Under a lot of student debt and it affected her quality of living along with her credit score -Could have enough...
  3. Gunshi

    Any Cyber Security Professionals On The Coli

    I'm looking to make that leap from desktop support/analsyt/tech position and i wanted to know from someone who works in cyber security what it will take for someone with a background like mine to make it into this field. Degree? Programming? or knowledge of, and whats the best program to learn...
  4. Anerdyblackguy

    Tell your constituents that you have a business degree, but in reality its a certificate from

    Sizzler's :skip: U.S. Iowa Lawmaker Says Business Degree Was Sizzler Certificate By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MARCH 2, 2017 DES MOINES, Iowa — An Iowa state lawmaker said Thursday that he didn't mean to mislead anyone by claiming he had a business degree from a company that actually had awarded...
  5. M

    Vic Mensa on Real Time w/ Bill Maher: Talks Justin Timberlake & Culture Vultures
