dead horse

  1. Ronnie Lott

    Coli ladies: Would you be ok with your man wearing his hair like this?

    Serious question. no troll. Would you be ok with your man rockin this? :lupe: @BillCosbyAteMyHomework @Desirous @Token @Teedot @Fefe @MarsPunka @DemureNatural @Jasmine20 I need yalls honest opinion
  2. Busted_Toes

    Black women, this is your favorite tv show? Really?....... Really?

    skip to 1:30 to watch the scene :skip: "I want painful, difficult, devastating, life changing, extraordinary love" :heh: This show look absolute horrible. So she wants to be the sidepiece to the married CAC president rather than be in a stable relationship with a successful Black man...
  3. Stuntone

    LMAO! Older women bitter bcuz the younger women are out attention-whoring them!!! :flabbynsick:

    These older women pretend to be classy and mature once they reach 27+, in actualtity these fresh out of college girls are wiping the club floor with these hags. Pushing these hags into early retirement. That's why these older chicks don't club much, the competition to stiff. These young chick...
  4. -----

    Black man steps to White and Asian females :win win:

    So what's you catch hand like fellas ...:sas2: