
  1. Unbothered

    Why would a dog do this to their owner? Is it because they're lonely and need a companion, want attention, or are not properly trained?

    I don't own any dogs or any pet for that matter but this was wild to see on my timeline :mjlol::picard:. So, I was on Facebook and came across a follower of mine who posted this video of their dog getting out of control...I spoiled it since it might be a little too graphic for some of you :yeshrug:
  2. Antwon Mitchell

    Bernie supporters, whether it be 2016, 2020, or both why did you support him, despite no blk agenda?

    Out of curiosity, what made those of you such as @HarlemHottie and others alike support Bernie Sanders in 2016 or 2020 despite there being no specific black agenda offered by him? :jbhmm:
  3. Antwon Mitchell

    Is a $20 tip disrespectful?

    Long story short... I took my longtime friend out for lunch at BLVD Bistro NY (soul food spot) since today was her birthday. In total I spent about $155 (support black businesses) which I didn't mind because we go wayback but anyways getting back to the point... I payed using my credit card...
  4. SirReginald

    How Did You Talk Ya Girl Into A 3-Some? (Coli Brehs)

    From a single breh, how did you do it? Because women like to act prudish out in public aka hard to chase. Until they get to know you, then they open up. Anyway, was it hard for you to get your girl to get another girl in the bedroom? Stories nikka :mjgrin: However, once I get this job...
  5. L2014

    Y'all think we'll ever get another Stokely Carmichael?

    Or Fred Hampton existing at the same time on the same plain with the community understanding what we must do to keep each other safe without selling themselves to whoever pimping Deray n nem?
  6. SirReginald

    If You Died........Would You Want To Be Reborn To Live Again?

    When I die at old age I want to live once more. I'd like to experience life as a Black African woman :dame: I say hell, since I'm living life as a Black man now why not live as the opposite when I become reborn. Most of us when we are reborn have no recollection of our past life anyway. It's...