
  1. Grand Conde

    X-Box Got Another Classic Brehs...

    Crackdown 3 getting incredible reviews, gaming sites are going crazy for this shyt saying its X-Box's BOTW moment....:blessed: 6/10 is above average right? :patrice: Crackdown 3
  2. Grand Conde

    Crackdown 3 = X-Box's BOTW

    Calling it now, you know a game delayed this much is going to be a genre defining classic. :wow:
  3. Kamikaze Revy

    Crackdown [XB1] finally released - 2018 - XBOX1X Enhanced confirmed

    for backwards compatibility. :DAIGOTROLL::DAIGOCAM:
  4. Black Panther

    Trump Cracking Down on 7-Eleven

    Better get them hot dogs and Slurpees while you can :mjpls: Elections have consequences :francis: