coming out

  1. Fill Collins

    Flabby n Sick thru osmosis? (with a PAWG)

    I'm in my mid-20s, finally getting out of my quarter-life crisis, or beginning to at least There's not a lot of online spaces for Black men that aren't full of faggœts, ashy women or mfs from dikkweed, Montana :scust: I'm grateful for this place, all joking aside, hostile, :dame: or otherwise...
  2. King Static X

    Former Republican congressman comes out as being gay

    What a SCHOCKer! :dame:
  3. Standing on business

    I’m confused, where did the narrative that I’m gay com from?

    :why: There’s not a gay bone in my body, I love women and only women so what’s this bullshyt yalll talkin bout :martin:
  4. SirReginald

    I Don't Know Why Dudes Brag About How Many Girls They Smashed...................

    because don't you know that many chicks who are super promiscious have negative energy :francis: This is just common sense. Yes, I've had relationships that haven't involved sex (I'm a semi Virgin). However, just think of destructive relationships that some of us have with women, men, or...