
  1. The Prince of All Saiyans

    Look at this weirdo grinning like a goofball while PAWG(?) emasculating

  2. osama bin fly

    Jack Harlow (cac) carried around by two black men to keep his shoes clean

  3. SnowflakesByTheOZ

    Would yall do this ? lol

    fukk that shyt, one wrong move and you splattered. Have fun with that shyt :huhldup:
  4. BruhManFromTheFifthFlo

    They tryna make being a pedo a sexual orientation

    So I’m on YouTube and I see someone post the tweet below, talking about a “MAP”. So i read the comments to find out what the fukk a MAP was, and it stands for “Minor attracted person” :dwillhuh: These fukking weirdos are really tryna make being a pedo a sexual orientation and normilized...