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    ‘Code red’: Melbourne businesses say Omicron wave more damaging than lockdown

    ‘Code red’: Melbourne businesses say Omicron wave more damaging than lockdown Hash Tayeh, owner of Victorian food chain Burgertory, says 260 of his 400 staff have had Covid. Photograph: Christopher Hopkins/The Guardian Staff shortages and drop in consumer confidence leave Australian...
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    12 Reasons Why Black Businesses Fail in the First 12 Months

    Interesting, insightful read, as a budding entrepreneur. 12 Reasons Why Black Businesses Fail Within The First 12 Months | HBCU Buzz
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    ALWAYS FLORIDA: Businesses Price Gouging During Hurricane- gas 9.99/gal. Water = $30/bottle

    Price Gouging during a Hurricane :francis: get fined & lose all your customers for life for a quick buck brehs :snoop: