
  1. CashmoneyHotBoy

    Why Does Black People Having High Self-Esteem And Confidence Make Everybody So Mad?

    Everybody is so mad because we know our worth and value and we know we're #1. They also get mad because as black people we view ourselves as the best and we don't look at no other race of people as better than us and we also don't feel like no other race can look down on us. Another thing that...
  2. Quasi

    Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: A Progressive Professor Who Forgot To Hide Her Racism

    She wears a safety pin so everyone knows she’s an ally for minorities. Her cover photo has a Black power fist. She regularly discusses her love for the Obamas, the Black Lives Matter Movement, and her admonishment for this current administration. However, I would soon realize that nothing would...
  3. cam>

    Black women and girls really did rep these Olympics

    Nearly 1/4 of all US medals went to Black women "From Simone Biles' gravity-defying flips to the history-making medal trifecta of the U.S. women racing in the 100-meter hurdles, many of the Olympics' most memorable moments have come courtesy of African-American women. Their...