black issues

  1. 2 Up 2 Down

    The Struggle of Black Boyhood

    sidenote: Will Smith is just a portion of the videos content Might to post this the other day after I finished watching it. I think this doubles up well with a previous thread I made with his video about the exploitation of black male sexuality...
  2. Seoul Gleou

    Should Trans-Atlantic Slavery be treated the same way as the Holocaust?

    In contemporary discussions, the two are often not compared with each other because of the distance in time between the two. I think this is probably due to recency bias. But should Trans Atlantic Slavery, the largest forced migration of humans ever, be treated the same way, in contemporary...
  3. Roland Coltrane

    what are your favorite podcasts, youtube streams, by Black media personalities?

    I have Boyce Watkins, Tariq, Yvette, and Tone Talks in my que. do you all have any recommendations? I recall somebody mentioning C.O.W.S.(Context of White Supremacy) on here but I'm having trouble finding recent episodes any links would be greatly appreciated
  4. xoxodede

    African-American/Black American Lobbying Groups

    After learning about the power and influence of Lobbyist for Israel/Zionism and Jews in general -- I set out to find out if African Americans/Native Blacks of America had any lobbyist, lobbying firms/groups exclusively dedicated to our issues and causes. After searching - I found none...
  5. SirReginald

    Wish Me Luck, I MAY Be Going To Roger Brown's Next Week To Talk About Black Issues

    Well, let me tell you how this came about. A Clinton campaigner came to my house. I told her I wasn't voting for Clinton (Black lady) :leon: This went a different way, she told me she supported Bernard also and understood how I felt. She respected my decision too. Plus, she told me about...