black comics

  1. Black Panther

    Black Man Makes Over $5 Million Selling Independent Comics. Here's the Catch...(UPDATE: Sued for Trademark Infringement)

    Already made this a thread in the Film Room, but I wanted to see what TLR thinks of this. :jbhmm: Btw, this is not the Black Sands breh. They did have some beef a while back tho. :mjlol:
  2. Neuromancer

    My comic Lawful Evil is on sale digitally. Link in op.

    We got it for sale here at peep game comics an all black retailer it so far sold out its first printing. @Tenchi® Ryu™ @AnotherRoute @Another Man @ORDER_66 @Blacksands @Turk @alexander. @ShadowBroker @CarmelBarbie...
  3. loyola llothta

    ‘Bitter Root’ Comics: Legendary Acquires Jazz Age Tale Of Monster Hunters In Harlem

    ‘Bitter Root’ Comics: Legendary Acquires Jazz Age Tale Of Monster Hunters In Harlem ‘Bitter Root’ Comics: Legendary Acquires Jazz Age Tale Of Monster Hunters In Harlem