black authors

  1. earthwalka

    Black Literature not rooted in black tropes (such as.. Slavery, Jim Crow, Modern Day Microagressions)

    Noticing a severe lack of varied writings from black authors. There is a lack of black male authors as well. You look at some of the top books by black authors, it's mostly female writers and the ones who are male are often times writing queer stories as well. So who do we have from past to...
  2. CobaltBlue

    Wrote A Book!! Show love!

    This is an audio version. Links for print in description. This book is focused on character building and spiritual ascension. This is a must read/listen for our culture right now! Please spread this. It’s all love
  3. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Octavia E. Butler: A visionary among futurists

    Octavia E. Butler: A visionary among futurists - CNN Before dystopian fiction like "The Hunger Games" and "Divergent" reflected an increasingly diverse society, there was Octavia E. Butler, one of few African-American authors to become a prominent name in the white-dominated universe of...
  4. NobodyReally

    WakandaCon 2018

    Hey guys, This is shameless plugging but I think it's a worthwhile plug. I don't know if you'll be in the Chicago area during the month of August, but if you are interested in visiting, there is a new con called WakandaCon2018. Below is a link to the website, and some screen shots of the...
  5. notPsychosiz

    My Mom's second book just got released.

    It released on the 1st of January so its been out for a day or two. My print copy hasn't even arrived in the mail yet. I'm posting this in the root cause its specifically about a young African-American girl that is being abused in foster care... So she starts killing off her abusers, one by...