Monster tells the story of Steve Harmon (Kelvin Harrison Jr.) a seventeen-year-old honor student whose world comes crashing down around him when he is charged with felony murder. The film follows his dramatic journey from a smart, likeable film student from Harlem attending an elite high school...
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I'm gonna give this a shot. Nubian TV on the web. Netlfix for Nubians. They can get my $50/yr. It's less than...
:wow: Will we ever see another run in movies like it again? Or was the timing and culture just right at that point?
Who do you guys think got next? What films if possible need a sequel?
Ain't gon front this one looks kinda good.
Bruh these two movies below are basically the same story.. a crazy woman staying with a family and lusting after the husband.
All these talented black actors playing the same role their entire careers. Ain't even know Kuroochee was in movies...
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