
  1. valet

    Not every Black person got their last name from enslavers (Video)

    I didn't know the origin of all these names. I wonder where "May" last name came from though. In terms of Black people. Hopefully my color last name is not from slavery. But more like she said
  2. Rick Fox at UNC

    Cross 'Em Up Like '98 Jordan: The Official Colorado vs. Utah Game Thread

    Last time we cared about Utah, Malone was in the finals and WCW was still around. Stockton was driving a minivan full of young kids around. Van Horn and Miller were knocking nikkas out the tournament using a box in one. None of that happening tomorrow morning. We here.
  3. Dafunkdoc_Unlimited

    Former Police Officer: Guilty Of Killing Andre Hill A white former police officer who killed a Black man as he walked out of a garage four years ago in Columbus, Ohio, was found guilty of murder on Monday. Adam Coy, 48, faces...
  4. DrBanneker

    Rural Black youth firearm homicides are fastest growing and have quadrupled since 2013

    You can read the full article here: But basically what they found in firearm homicide data is that Black rural youth firearm homicides surged and since 2018 basically match rates traditionally found in urban areas. What is crazy is that as...
  5. JadeB

    Mexico might send its first Afro-Mexican representative to Miss Universe. And yes she is bad!

  6. DrBanneker

    Kamala Harris ancestry thread (keep it all here; mods please enforce)

    I am creating this thread to wall off all this discussion on Kamala's identity and ancestry. Not because I dispute calling her Black. As I have stated before I know people who knew her and Maya in the 90s and they were primarily with the Black community then, no one questioned it, Maya married...
  7. T

    "Laziness is a trait in Blacks. They can't control it " - Donald Trump

    1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a Black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think...
  8. BaileyPark31

    Wake Up, Ramascammy! The Phone's Ringin'!

    Looks like somebody tried to insert some Melanin into alabaster business :mjpls:
  9. Doomsday

    Aries Spears Puts Bedwench In Her Place

    :mjlol: This video is more proof of what I've been saying all along: Black women dikk-ride white men. Here you have a young, fit, exceptionally attractive black woman with a regular white guy. That same woman would never date the black equivalent to that white man. And for all the black males...
  10. Anhur

    WAS Ancient Egypt a PAWG Civilization

    It is disappointing that this topic still must be discussed in 2023. If you scour the internet about the racial origins of ancient Egypt, you’ll find that most people believe they were non-black. The answer is obvious to anyone with eyes and common sense. However, there are still detractors even...
  11. EastByrd

    Hassan Campbell vs Dr Umar; shall we begin?

    HC response @ 2:14:33 :dame:
  12. Fill Collins

    How can you hate another Black person?

    Not rhetorically, but only if it applies to you :mjpls: Note: I'm on my phone, I microdosed a shroom, meditating on life, no matter your ethnic group, if you honestly hate another Black ethnic group, you're better off transferring that hate towards other races, they already see us as a mass, why...
  13. NoirDynosaur


    Malia Obama is staying in the Donald Gloverbusiness. As part of a new GQ cover story on the “Atlanta” creator, Glover revealed that his newly-created production company, Gilga, is developing a short film with Malia Obama, the eldest daughter of Barack and Michelle Obama. GQ confirmed Malia is...
  14. NoirDynosaur

    How Black Parents spank their kids🤣🤣!

    Anyone who got their ass whopped from a belt knows that metal part shyt hurts like a mf!!!:russ:
  15. Jean Jacket

    Tracy Chapman - Fast Car 1988 (Live @ Oakland Coliseum)

  16. Ahadi

    Name 5 thread topics which describe “” (2022-2023)

  17. wire28

    The Future of Black Hollywood: Who Got Next?

    RIP to Chadwick I really think he was primed to be the next Denzel of our generation and the things he was doing outside of acting would have made him even more special. Who are the young actors that will carry the torch for black Hollywood? Majors definitely looks like he’s getting a push in...
  18. Warren Peace

    Channing Crowder Targets Russell Wilson Again: "He Ain't My Type Of Dude" At what point does this start getting kinda weird and non harlem like :patrice:
  19. RARI_Godwind

    Canadian PAAG and Caribbrehian discuss the Black Identity+Racial Unity in the US :SKIP:

    :jbhmm: Many of the points raised are actually true but I’m caught up on how and why a Chinese Canadian Girl and an Bahamian Breh focus almost entirely on the history of America and Identity of actively existing group of people neither of them belong to. Cliffs in the descriptions of the...
  20. Apprentice

    Why aren’t Black men more represented in the present day pop/rock scene?

    I wouldn’t describe myself as a music historian but I do have a pretty expansive taste of music One thing I’ve noticed is that there aren’t a lot of black men who operate in the modern day pop/rock scene. Rock and Jazz are genres created by black people and even the “King of Rock” is someone...