
  1. Hathaway

    Should Bioware Make Mass Effect 4 Open World again?

    I know I talk about ME alot but it's my favorite game so idgaf. I've been reading the ME books and they are amazing. I'm on the 3rd book of the series Mass Effect Retribution and I'm loving how vividly they describe the world of ME. I couldn't help but imagine an open world game taking place...
  2. Hathaway

    1st Person RPGs Are Not Immersive For Me

    I don't know when I became like this. I grew up on Halo, the premiere 1st person shooter of our generation but as I got older and started playing games like The Witcher, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc, I fell in love with these 3rd person, customizable character styled games. It's the only type...
  3. Archangel

    Just played through the 1st two Dragon Age games brehs

    I'm a bioware head so after completing my 118th playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy, I decided to give Dragon Age a shot since I never played it. Pretty dope I must admit. DA Origins has aged horribly. Much like Mass Effect 1, it was a chore getting through the game but the story kept me...
  4. Grand Conde

    Anthem | PS4/XB1/PC | Out Now

  5. Archangel

    BioWare (Creators of Mass Effect) working on a new IP

    No significant news as of yet but they released this Here's some more info I'm very interested. It will be a RPG and will combine many genres according to Bioware. We should see something at this years E3 and its pushed for Spring 2018. :ehh: