baby eatin

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    What you think they feeding this kid.

    He built like that big ass baby from spirited away
  2. HopeKillCure

    Crazy! The Michelin Man was messing with 1 of the Easter Island Thots

    :francis: +
  3. SirReginald

    Oh My GOD!!: Giant Rat EATS 3 Month Old Baby ALIVE :damn:

    Holy shyt :damn: P.S. mothers, be there and watch ya damn kids :snoop: UPDATE: I'm being told it's a hoax. IDK if it is yet, if so then, mods BUSH the thread. However, my thoughts still ring true. I got it from here with the news link. Jesus take the wheel!!! Giant rat eats 3-month old...