assassin's creed

  1. African Peasant

    Racist weeb goes to Japan hoping that Japanese will hate on Yasuke: they don't. Meltdown in the comment section

    "Japanese are too polite; they can't say that they hate the black character in vidya game' :russ:
  2. Norrin Radd

    Assassin's Creed Live Action Series Coming To Netflix

    Let's hope it's better than the movie :lolbron:
  3. Archangel

    Getting Home From Work and Your Wife & Kid Sleep Appreciation

    Finally bout to blow 6+ hours on RDR2:wow: Might even pop AC Odyssey in afterwards just to stunt :wow: Fwm nikka
  4. P

    Assassin's Creed: Black Flag Free on Uplay 12/11 - 12-18

    What the title says :blessed: Ubisoft Store