arn anderson

  1. Playaz Eyez

    WCW Main Event's Raw - Booker T(c) vs Buff Bagwell [7/2/2001]

    WWF Invasion has been talked about a ton on here, so I won't go through a bunch of surrounding details with this thread. I'm mostly making this thread branching off the 'Ziggler and Rollins Are SHOOK' thread in regards to the crowd reaction they had in Pittsburgh. Pinch of background first...
  2. Pinyapplesuckas

    The Official TSC Funko/Action figure thread

    most of the time its like $20 for just one figure if its elite and this one is 4 elites for that price. im tempted to go back and cop a couple more and flip them since the retail is $50. might be the first thing i keep in the box. these nikkas bout to be my trophy case