
  1. G

    Elon Goes Rogue as Courts PUSH BACK

    Potential Constitutional Crisis if Elon, Trump, Vance defy courts Watch the Entire Clip.
  2. Black Panther

    Jill Stein is 'Predatory', says AOC

    Starts at 1:00 tl;dr - Jill Stein is a White woman who grifts off left wing folks disillusioned with the two-party system. Especially Black people who hate #BothSides. Been running for president for 12 years and hasn't significantly grown the party/coalition. I'm fairly certain campaign...
  3. FAH1223

    AIPAC gearing up to spend $100M to eliminate “The Squad” (and those like them) from Congress once and for all

  4. wire28

    AOC just personally text me

    Hopefully she doesn’t mind if I share the convo :lupe: she said she’s proud to endorse Jessica Cisneros for Congress in TX-28 :obama: she talked about how she was massively outspent last cycle but only lost by 2.7k votes :whoo: She said we have a real opportunity to expand progressive...
  5. JadeB

    Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to come out the closet already

    fukking weird ass Neanderthal :dame: Even George Takei calling this out
  6. Let A Fro Be A Fro

    Video: AOC supports reparations...for illegal immigrants

    That B̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ Brown alliance, though You know the drillio. Gimme my plat :unimpressed:
  7. 88m3

    "My Flu Shot Has Hurt More": AOC Among First Congressional Members To Get The COVID-19 Shot

    "My Flu Shot Has Hurt More": AOC Among First Congressional Members To Get The COVID-19 Shot :salute:
  8. 88m3

    AOC Picture Thread

    No seriously but we need more threads devoted to AOC on the first page :troll:
  9. loyola llothta

    BREAKING: AOC Gets Caught LYING About Voting Against The Corona Corporate Bailout Bill

    BREAKING: AOC Gets Caught LYING About Voting Against The Corona Corporate Bailout Bill More: False Reports AOC Voted “NO” On Stimulus Debunked
  10. Ya' Cousin Cleon


    By Tom Wetzel Capitalist dynamics are at the very heart of the current crisis that humanity faces over global warming. When we talk of “global warming,” we’re talking about the rapid — and on-going — rise in the average world-wide surface and ocean temperature. Thus far a rise of 0.8 degrees...
  11. Milomann

    An interesting insight into Republican race strategies...

  12. FAH1223

    Nearly 60% of Americans support increasing top marginal tax rate to 70% for incomes over $10M

    Poll: Majority Backs AOC’s 70 Percent Top Marginal Tax Rate By Eric Levitz @EricLevitz Centrist. Photo: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images Earlier this month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went on national television and said that the United States should tax incomes above $10 million at a 70 percent...
  13. AnonymityX1000

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - "Not All Dems Are The Same"

    :takedat: Primary Challenger to Rep. Joe Crowley.