
  1. Spirit of the Ancestors

    Spirit of the Ancestors

    Ancestors watching with disapproval
  2. Idaeo

    Found a Picture of my Great Great Great Grandparents, Born in the 1830s

    :obama: They were styling... I’m not exactly sure how they had the $, but I do know my great^3 grandfather was born free even though he was born in 1831. His grandfather bought his freedom for $400 from his half brother after his father died. “It is believed that *******. married one of Dr...
  3. Rhapscallion Démone

    Déjà Vu and Genetic Memory, Are they the same thing?

    Is the reason that we feel like we've experienced something before because one of our ancestors experienced the situation and passed that memory on to us? The Psychology of Déjà vu 'Memories' pass between generations
  4. JadeB

    This woman is the common ancestor of all human beings alive today

    It is so cool to see our ancestors from far far back then. It's nice to know that the original humans were from Africa and the entire world is our children.
  5. JadeB

    The oldest modern human looked swagged out

    He got the stance, the growl, and the hair to slay a thousand mammoths:wow: Breh probably was running through ancient hoes:wow: If he was around today he probably would've dropped the most fire tape of the year:wow: That's my Jebel Irhoud:to:
  6. Anerdyblackguy

    R.I.P to Carson D. Mascoll. Was in the first African American battalion to see combat during WW2

    Carson D. Mascoll, Hempstead attorney who fought segregation, dies at 101 Carson D. Mascoll, Hempstead attorney who fought segregation, died at 101. Credit: Mascoll family By Betsy AbrahamSpecial to Newsday Updated May 8, 2020 9:17 PM As soon as Carson D. Mascoll returned home from work, the...
  7. Patriarch

    RIP Dr Afrika

    Influenced a lot of us to become vegan. Huge loss for us. A gain for the ancestors.
  8. Homey the clown

    Just got back my 23 and me Ancestry results

  9. xoxodede

    Atlanta’s Cyclorama had the black role in a Civil War battle all wrong. She set about to fix that.

    Calinda Lee was initially ambivalent about the Atlanta History Center’s taking stewardship of the Cyclorama depicting the Civil War’s Battle of Atlanta. (Dustin Chambers/For The Washington Post) By Max Blau March 26 The first time Calinda Lee saw the “Battle of Atlanta” Cyclorama, she rolled...
  10. SirReginald

    MAGA-Supporting Black Comedian Injured In Car Accident En Route To Meet With Trump

    “Comedian” Terrence K. Williams traveled to DC to meet with Trump at the White House, but his plans were halted due to a fractured neck, back and spine...
  11. SirReginald

    Solange Really BOUT DAT LIFE

    Homage to the ancestors :blessed: Can't find it on her IG Story (IG Stories don't have a timeline), but we all know she's a Witch. She posted it yesterday. P.S. I do follow her on IG. EDIT: I converted them and fixed the pictures. #LevelUp @Elle Driver
  12. Stone Cold

    Jackie...hey what you doing now

    TLR needs some positive vibes right now rip jackie wilson