ads are gay

  1. boogers

    Get rid of paywalls on news sites. Works for 90% of the internet.

    Tired of this shyt? Me too. Lets bust on these bytches. :bustback: :bustback: :bustback: :bustback: :bustback: :bustback: :bustback: :pacspit: (EDIT: removed git instructions. not necessary) You can download the .zip file from GitLab here: Bypass Paywalls Clean - GitLab Now that you...
  2. boogers

    uBlock Origin setup guide and Appreciation thread

    So today we're gonna install and configure the most important extension your browser needs: an ad-blocker. 65% of internet users use Google Chrome or some other Chromium derivative, so we're gonna focus on Chrome only. If you're a Firefox user still? :ufdup: But that's a conversation for another...