
  1. Drew Wonder

    Christian Argues That President, Roe v Wade and SCOTUS Have Little Impact on Abortions

    This is targeted mostly toward Evangelical Christians but I found it very informative nonetheless TLDR: Whether you're Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, choosing a president solely based on them either being Pro-Life or Pro-Choice is pointless. Some of the major points that were made: Both Republicans...
  2. SirReginald

    Sarah Was Repeatedly Raped, Twice Forced Into Marriage And Had EIGHT Abortions

    TLDR Is this the worst sex grooming case of all? Abducted as a teen and held prisoner for 12 YEARS, Sarah was repeatedly raped, twice forced into marriage and had EIGHT abortions The white English girl was raped by her new husband within minutes of marriage She was studying at college, hoping...