2020 presidential election

  1. mc_brew

    2020 Democratic Primary Thread: Focus on House & Senate races

    already.....? can we have a year or two to drown our sorrows before we have to think about 2020.....? Who's In? Republicans: Donald Trump (Incumbent) | HL Donald Trump Thread | Official Campaign Thread Democrats: Bernie Sanders | HL Bernie Sanders Thread | Official Campaign Website...
  2. saturn7

    Ben Stein: Black people have a ‘very deep attachment’ to feeling like ‘they’ve been victimized’

    Ben Stein: Black people have a ‘very deep attachment’ to feeling like ‘they’ve been victimized’ Ben Stein: Black people have a ‘very deep attachment’ to feeling like ‘they’ve been victimized’ On Monday’s edition of Fox Business’ “Trish Regan Primetime,” conservative writer and actor Ben Stein...
  3. S

    ADOS: American Descendants of Slavery

    About ADOS – #ADOS Closing the racial wealth gap requires a New Deal for Black America. President Trump’s assertion during the 2016 Presidential campaign that Black Americans “have nothing to lose” was met with defiance by those on the Left, but the data supported the statement. From...
  4. xoxodede

    HOT 97 with Ebro: Marianne Williamson on Her 2020 Bid for President, Reparations & Kaepernick

    CLIFFS from LSA: Ebro is smarter than Envy and Charlemagne combined so he asks good questions, overall this was a good interview. Identifies as a Democrat but ran as an Independent in the past. Would not do anything to compromise the Democratic nominee against Trump. Believes that being a...
  5. mc_brew

    Donald J. Trump 2020 Presidential Re-Election Bid / 2020 Republican Primary Thread

    .....so it has been alleged that hl is just one big circle jerk that rejects anything that does not adhere to hl thinking... i don't agree, and to prove it i created the donald trump reelection thread... after all, trump was the first person to officially declare for 2020... here's a thread...
  6. xoxodede

    Marianne Williamson for President #2020: Marianne For America - Reparations

  7. Berniewood Hogan

    Official Bernie Sanders HQ: Not Me, Us!

    They say the number one most important thing is just winning the election. Okay. Bernie has the best shot at that.:yeshrug: It’s Bernie, bytch Bad-faith liberals still blindly downplay Sanders's chance THIS DANDY LITTLE BIT of self-plagiarism is from three years ago, when I attended a...
  8. mc_brew

    Kamala Harris Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Bid - Kamala Bear... GRRRR!!!

    ***BREAKING NEWS ALERT*** Kamala Harris declares 2020 presidential run on 'Good Morning America' i don't know how i feel about kamala..... there are a lot of things about her that i'm concerned about... her time as prosecutor, not going after mnuchin, corporate donations she has taken, and...
  9. FAH1223

    Centrist Democrats Want A Presidential Candidate To Take On Bernie. They Just Don’t Know Who It Is.

    Centrist Democrats Want A Presidential Candidate To Take On Bernie. They Just Don’t Know Who It Is. “It’s accurate to say most of the energy on Twitter is on the far left, and a lot of the energy in Washington is on the far left.” Molly Hensley-Clancy BuzzFeed News Reporter Reporting From...
  10. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    His 2020 Campaign Message: The Robots Are Coming

    Among the many, many Democrats who will seek the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, most probably agree on a handful of core issues: protecting DACA, rejoining the Paris climate agreement, unraveling President Trump’s tax breaks for the wealthy. Only one of them will be focused on the...
  11. FAH1223

    Joe Biden: "I'm going to run in 2020"

    He'll be 77 in 2020. Probably bullshytting. :smugbiden: