1. Afro

    How 'Mafia III' Intends to Make Players Confront Racism | VICE | United States

    How 'Mafia III' Intends to Make Players Confront Racism | VICE | United States :whew::whew::whew: I'm playing the hell out of this game. Already bought the deluxe edition. :whew: Snippet: Building on that, you know, I can't have this conversation with you and not talk about the voodoo...
  2. SirReginald

    We Are In A Transitional Period In The United States & Globally (2016 Reminds Me Of 1968)

    I was looking back at the years 1966-1968 the past few months :leon: Yes, there's differences between the two eras. However, there's a lot of similarities :ehh: What do I mean by that? Racial acceptance/equality, tired of establishment politics, Women's rights, and etc:smugfavre: 1968 you...