Reputation profile of eternalpangs

Reputation profile of eternalpangs

hope your mom gets back on track and recovers health.
Sorry for your loss
Have some rep man. Take care.
Extremely small thing that I can do, but keep your head up
May she r.i.p <3
Stay strong
Sorry man, keep your head up
wow, my condolences.
Prayers to you and your family. It isn't easy watching a loved one fighting with cancer.
I'm so sorry bro
No words can numb the pain, but here's some positive rep.
oh my gosh in so sorry for you. God bless you.
My prayers are with u
I'll pray for you big homie
Damn..sad to hear about your mom, stay up
My condolences
God bless you sis.
my condolenses
My prayers and thoughts go to your family brother.