WIGGINS = is showing possible bust potential

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
hey joe,.....

Andrew wiggins was incredible in highschool, international and allstar play.
yet, when paired with real Americans.
it looks like he lacks the American feral aggressiveness to be productive in the college ranks.
on top of the nba.

I like the kid and I think his dunk in the last year micky d's game was argueably one of the greatest innovative dunks of all time.
sckraight out of nba jams type level of holy sheitness...
yet, and still.....
he is not really doing much against teams of moderate to of size in college.

sdsu and now texas are really exposing this dude.
he should have never went to Kansas anyway.
as their legacy has been to normalize holy shyt level talent.

only talent who really actualized themselves their whole career in our last gen is pierce.
who has the top executing basketball iq of the last gen.

wiggins is looking to not have the basketball iq.
or, what they call the dawg in him to succeed.

hopefully, he ramps up by the tournie.
yet, against real squads...
with real size playing up to Kansas.
plus, playing up like how most players will play up to match him in the pro's.
he is looking to be a project.

I been ready to boo the shyt out the kid.
the last six or seven games I watched of him, real talk.

art barr


carlos danger
Jun 18, 2012
he ain't comin out the gate like derrick rose.

since i am canadian i'd like to say he'd be like Kobe. But Kobe always showed determination to be the best player even at 17.

Wiggins dissappears during crucial moments and that is a HUGE red flag.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
its too early to call either way

ol'-of-the-moment-ass-nikkas :skip:

no, it is not to early to call it.
only way, he gets to his potential and actualized as the player he is supposed to be.
is if self, somehow gets them the ncaa championship.
of which, I only see him ramping up in the last semi's or final's.
if they get that far....
college basketball has teams with that dog in them, this year.
it is a large number of of teams that usually surprise people in the tournie.
playing way above what people expected.
that sdsu, and hordes of others...
all have that dog in them to bounce a top seed and go far.
on top of the fact,...
the blueprint to beat Kansas exist, from their up and down lackidasical play all year.

I been watching them and wiggins does not have that dog in him needed to succeed like that, yet.
personally, he should have come in and been doing it from the first tip off like parker.

he was so far ahead of parker, and gordon last year.
that for parker, gordon and even embiid to be head and shoulders above him.
really speaks volumes on the type of up and down player he looks to be.

he looks like danny manning when manning is comfortable/uncomfortable.
when, his upside is supposed to be LeBron.
he is not looking like bron.
he does not even look as good as Durant.
when, he is supposed to be that good.

Gordon is showing the darkhorse talent, that others are missing.
while wiggins is making fukkups and ticky tack wack plays consistently.
with no upside to illustrate his pr.

dude had two points and two fouls when I made this thread, breh.

that is not what a player who is supposed to be LeBron's 2.o clone is supposed to be doing.

he should be dominating and having a few mental issues to close games.
wiggins is not even present mentally, or innately/ferally as a player.
nor, does he distribute and up game anywhere near bron.

duke is showing bust potential...
or, has to work his way up potential....
when he is supposed to be the best player in the draft, period.
he does not look like the best player in college ball, head to the draft, at all.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
he ain't comin out the gate like derrick rose.

since i am canadian i'd like to say he'd be like Kobe. But Kobe always showed determination to be the best player even at 17.

Wiggins dissappears during crucial moments and that is a HUGE red flag.

on the real......
he is playing like a euro that got punked and needs a few years of familiarity to be good.
he does not look like he would dominate.

I hope he comes in the nba and dominates.
yet, he is looking like perry jones iii but worse.

pj iii, in the nba should be Durant's new wing man and move Durant to the sg...
yet, pj iii is a bust right now.

wiggins is playing worse than pj iii with more talent around him and better coaching.
plus, with no possible hidden injury.
on top of not being made to play the low post and out of position as well.

art barr


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
no, it is not to early to call it.
only way, he gets to his potential and actualized as the player he is supposed to be.
is if self, somehow gets them the ncaa championship.
of which, I only see him ramping up in the last semi's or final's.
if they get that far....
college basketball has teams with that dog in them, this year.
it is a large number of of teams that usually surprise people in the tournie.
playing way above what people expected.
that sdsu, and hordes of others...
all have that dog in them to bounce a top seed and go far.
on top of the fact,...
the blueprint to beat Kansas exist, from their up and down lackidasical play all year.

I been watching them and wiggins does not have that dog in him needed to succeed like that, yet.
personally, he should have come in and been doing it from the first tip off like parker.

he was so far ahead of parker, and gordon last year.
that for parker, gordon and even embiid to be head and shoulders above him.
really speaks volumes on the type of up and down player he looks to be.

he looks like danny manning when manning is comfortable/uncomfortable.
when, his upside is supposed to be LeBron.
he is not looking like bron.
he does not even look as good as Durant.
when, he is supposed to be that good.

Gordon is showing the darkhorse talent, that others are missing.
while wiggins is making fukkups and ticky tack wack plays consistently.
with no upside to illustrate his pr.

dude had two points and two fouls when I made this thread, breh.

that is not what a player who is supposed to be LeBron's 2.o clone is supposed to be doing.

he should be dominating and having a few mental issues to close games.
wiggins is not even present mentally, or innately/ferally as a player.
nor, does he distribute and up game anywhere near bron.

duke is showing bust potential...
or, has to work his way up potential....
when he is supposed to be the best player in the draft, period.
he does not look like the best player in college ball, head to the draft, at all.

art barr


gordon has no offensive game cant even shoot free htrows at 50% and plays in a weaker conference
parker has struggled in conference play, hood has been playing better than him
May 1, 2012
no, it is not to early to call it.
only way, he gets to his potential and actualized as the player he is supposed to be.
is if self, somehow gets them the ncaa championship.
of which, I only see him ramping up in the last semi's or final's.
if they get that far....
college basketball has teams with that dog in them, this year.
it is a large number of of teams that usually surprise people in the tournie.
playing way above what people expected.
that sdsu, and hordes of others...
all have that dog in them to bounce a top seed and go far.
on top of the fact,...
the blueprint to beat Kansas exist, from their up and down lackidasical play all year.

I been watching them and wiggins does not have that dog in him needed to succeed like that, yet.
personally, he should have come in and been doing it from the first tip off like parker.

he was so far ahead of parker, and gordon last year.
that for parker, gordon and even embiid to be head and shoulders above him.
really speaks volumes on the type of up and down player he looks to be.

he looks like danny manning when manning is comfortable/uncomfortable.
when, his upside is supposed to be LeBron.
he is not looking like bron.
he does not even look as good as Durant.
when, he is supposed to be that good.

Gordon is showing the darkhorse talent, that others are missing.
while wiggins is making fukkups and ticky tack wack plays consistently.
with no upside to illustrate his pr.

dude had two points and two fouls when I made this thread, breh.

that is not what a player who is supposed to be LeBron's 2.o clone is supposed to be doing.

he should be dominating and having a few mental issues to close games.
wiggins is not even present mentally, or innately/ferally as a player.
nor, does he distribute and up game anywhere near bron.

duke is showing bust potential...
or, has to work his way up potential....
when he is supposed to be the best player in the draft, period.
he does not look like the best player in college ball, head to the draft, at all.

art barr

breh....none of that has anything to do really with how he turns out in the NBA....you really dont know...its a crap shoot...

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
:wtf: dude has been dominating conference play

has one bad game like his whole teammates and suddenly hes a bust?:


dominating conference play is being glen dog robinson...
dude is not even playing on a scorer's level in college like huff ass:

kurt Thomas in college

art barr


<--- Cleveland Browns winning that many, boi!
Jul 28, 2012
You got to be wary of any hyped prospect who immediately shows that they are not the scorer or athlete they're hyped to be when they don't create for themselves or others.


If he could consistently put the ball on the floor and displayed playmaking ability, I wouldn't be as hard on him.