Assembly line workers build shyt all the time, what do you think would happen if they decide to take shyt home, because they "built" it?
The world you want, and the world you live in are two different things. Black people are stuck between a rock and a hard place, as they've been getting the shorter end of the stick for centuries, but it's also sad that in this modern age of communication the only time we can come together to agree on anything without constant fighting is when one of our own gets killed. This story will blow over in a few days/weeks and everyone will go right back to their regular lives, the majority, using powerful avenues of communication to do meaningless shyt and the cycle will repeat itself again when the next kid gets killed meaninglessly. Nothing will be done. Nothing will change. You're also kidding yourself if you think any of these people that are "planning" to move to "Africa" would even do so much as to google the price of a plane ticket within the next few days.