I Morphed Myself Into Tribal Women To Raise Awareness Of Their Secluded Cultures
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As a Turkana woman and considering that most of the African tribes you mention come from people i call friends and family, I AM ABSOLUTELY APPALED AT YOUR NERVE! How dare you!!! Have your never read of white privillege? blackface? Cultural appropriation? While we are out here being killed over our dark skins, being deemed inferior because of our cultures, you think being an African woman is a costume you get to put on and take off! Dont you dare try to make this about publicity, you could have damn well featured this AUTHENTIC women without your whiteness covered in blackness in to it. THESE ARE NOT YOUR PEOPLE! THIS IS NOT YOUR HISTORY! STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE! Members of my African Student Association were completely aghast by this story. You just dont get to be black without being black, we are not costumes, we are not here to fill your curiosity, we are not here to be your exotic pets. Take this down! Apologize to the many black people you have mocked and offended deeply!
White people are so ridiculous. They just can't bring awareness to anything without making it about themselves. This woman did blackface to bring awareness to people that already EXIST and could have simply shared videos and pictures of. I'm African and white people like this are the WORST because they are patronizing as hell and don't realize how uncouth they are behaving.
You are performing blackface. You do not need to be the visual intermediary between the West and these beautiful African women. Your blackface part in this is totally unnecessary and codes as racist. You do not get to appropriate the culture of these women for your art. In America you would be excoriated for this, and rightly so. You could have featured these women without your own "transformation," and left it at that. Why did you feel the need to inject yourself as a visual intermediary? You can appreciate, yes, but not appropriate. Think of it this way: would you dress up in traditional garb of a Indigenous tribe to America? If you did, that would be cultural appropriation of the most egregious kind. This is what you are doing.
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