The New York Knicks get free tickets to attend the defending champs ring ceremony compliments of the kang Naw these new look Knicks is gonna be a lot better than people think. A motivated D Rose, healthy Noah,Melo looking to reclaim his spot among the elite and of course the young gawd kristaps looking to take a large leap in his second year. But they will be playing the NBA champs
Just waiting for my breh @KnicksTape to bless us with the Phil smiley:lmaonas: Gonna be a great game between two talanted teams And someone tell the tribe to keep the noise down next door....or not
We bike yall
Just waiting for my breh @KnicksTape to bless us with the Phil smiley:lmaonas: Gonna be a great game between two talanted teams And someone tell the tribe to keep the noise down next door....or not
We bike yall