Went to California, here's my review. long read with cliffs at top, no pics.

ben anderson

Sep 25, 2014
Crazy amount of homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk/bus stop/ ground with tents and shyt
Roscoe chicken and waffle, in N out, randy's donuts suck.
Only really saw cacs, and migos. More migos than anything, and they were the majority employed in all the stores. i'd say 90% employment was migos.
thought i was in mexico or south america most of the time.
barely saw any black people, had to literally go to specific black parts of the city.
Traffic is fukking awful, you will want to commit suicide
Cali nikkas have no swag, wear bootcut jeans, and dont cuff they pants, think bucket hats are cool, and have no color coordination skills.
cali music doesn't rock at all. basically only house party type music no real shyt you wanna kill a nikka too. inb4 is that a problem?
Lots of pretty women especially the black joints.
Unusually large amount of light skinned women/men
Some bomb ass weed, i was high as fukk.
univseral studios is expensive as fukk 18-20$ to park, then 180$(each) to get a ticket into the actual place with rides, rodeo drive was cool. hollywood sign was closed off:what:.
Weather was excellent the entire trip.
overall 6/10 experience.

people always talking cali dis or and cali that. please California isn't all that. i recently got the opportunity to go there for a week for a family event. and it wasn't even close to what i imagined. yall got fukking bums on every block, with fukking tents and shyt begging on some hobo village shyt. holy fukk i couldn't walk around without one of them asking me for some shyt. this shyt is maybe 1000000x worse than MD/D.C with the amount of visible homeless people:mindblown:( inb4 hurrdurr california is bigger/better weather so of course. stfu!). all these talked about restaurants were terrible. lets start off with Roscoe's chicken and waffle:mjlol:. First of all breakfast is the worst meal of the day, and who the fukk would want to combine the flavors of fried chicken and syrup:stopitslime:? We get the the spot and im looking at the building like:martin: why this shyt look so raggedy to the shorty im with. she start yelling omg BEN you gotta try the food it's to die for:ohlawd:. im like ight, we hop out the whip and there's a fukking long ass line. so im like:patrice: this shyt might be the truth. After a 45 fukking minute wait we get a table. looked at the menu and it was basically all the same shyt. i said :manny: fukk it can't go wrong with soul food. idk what the joint i ordered was called(had some special names like the obama speacial, but that wasn't it), but it's located on the bottom right of the menu. you cali nikkas should know what it's called. it was some chicken, greens, cornbread, and mac and cheese. for the drink i was looking at the special joints they have sunrise,sunset, and i forgot the last joint. so i told our waitress i wanted half ice tea, and half lemonade. bytch looked at me on some :scusthov: shyt and asked if i was sure? :dahell: fukk you mean am i sure, it's called a half and half bytch. food arrived in a decent amount of time:leon:. So a nikkas all ready to :eat: and i look down and the fukking mac and cheese is white:dahell::why:?!!??! shyt tasted like it was crafts mac and cheese, just white. i go and dip my fork in the greens and all the green juices/water fukking drowned my dam plate:stopitslime:. they couldn't of drained the shyt before handing it to me???? Cornbread was the worst part of the meal, took one bite and put it on the edge of my plate. chicken was decent and thats me being nice. Didn't finish a dam thing. :snoop: my face when she gave me the check and it came up to 16$ smfh should of followed my gut and went to chipotle. randys donut's literally didn't taste different than any other donuts iv'e ever had. In and out was a huge fukking let down. I got a double double meal. burger was bout sloppy as fukk, and the stuff kept slidding out the bread. tasted ok tho, but i expected the burger to be big, much bigger than what i received. it was so fukking small i couldn't believe the hype. then these dumb motha fukkers have the audacity to have some sort of secret menu? i see nikkas getting 3-4 burger patties on they shyt, and im like:dwillhuh: where do people even see this shyt on the menu. nikkas was speaking code and shyt talking bout i want a 3x3 and a 4x4 how the fukk was i supposed to know that existed since it aint on the menu:why:? The french fries were terrible, unbelievably thin and tasteless. that pink lemonade they make is bomb tho :popcorn3:can't lie. anyway fukk in and out, i heard whataburger is better and they burgers are bigger. Crazy to think people come all the way from across the world to eat at places like these:laff:.Then it literally takes for fukking ever to get places. the traffic is insane:sadcam::mjcry:. holy crap took me 2 1/2 hours to get from LAX to my hotel. Family member told me he wakes up at 5 to go to work at 8:30:mjlol: fukking clown. and then hes in traffic for at least another 1 hour and some change to come home. thats 3-4 hours everyday just sitting in traffic:palm:. And the worst part about my trip was all i kept seeing was gooks,migos, and weird ass cacs. cacs are weird people in general, but the cacs in cali just take it to a whole new level. literally every restaurant, store i went into had majority spanish/mexican( whatever the fukk you wanna call em) staff. how the fukk roscoe chicken and waffle only had 1 black person working there:martin:. And the rest was spanish. I could of sworn i was in a different country, like mexico or guatemala or some shyt.I Make my cousin take me baldwin hills, because i heard it's where upper class black people live. It was really nice. Then we go to inglewood to the Ralphs (california, safeway/giant). :blessed: finally i was around black people. I seen a lot of fine joints there, i also saw a lot of legit hoodrats:scust: . One thing i did notice is their was an usually large amount of light skinned women/men which was interesting. cali nikkas have no swag at all. that shyt is non existent. yall stay thinking bucket hats are tough, when they aren't. shoes be bout colorful as shyt, no color coordination whatso ever. pants be FAT as shyt, and yall dont cuff yall jeans:what:?Maybe since im from the DMV i think everyone from anywhere else are bamas:yeshrug:. found a dude with some weed and got a 10 joint from him. not going to lie that shyt was some fire, and i was smacked for long ass time, shame i was my fam 99% of the time i would of smoked way more smh. Went to hollywood and saw the sign from far as hell away, because it was closed off:what:? why the fukk would they close off something thats so popular? went to rodeo drive and saw a lot of flexing going on, and the baddest bytches were there. saw an aventor, r8 and a couple ferraris. A hell of a lot of bmws,audis,benz's. universal studios charged for parking, i can't rememebr how much it was, but i did self parking in the garage, not the special joint in front. i get in and it was really nice. then i was like where the fukk are all the rides at? Turns out i wasn't even legit inside the real park:deadrose:. I go up to get a ticket to go in and the bytch says 180 per person:mjlol:. that shyt was:dead: so we left. was with a bunch of people, that's a dolo mission. instead i just did the indoor sky diving thing, i had a blast. The time they gave you was short tho and wasn't really worth the price. it was fun tho since iv'e never done it before. went to the place with all the stars on the ground:skip: and i was like.... that's it?. Went to this big ass mall( the name escapes me) and it was pretty live. there was a ton of people, felt like i was in a flash mob dance type shyt:damn:. I must say the weather was beautiful the whole trip. overall i give it a 6/10.
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Feb 3, 2015
Cali nikkas have no swag, wear bootcut jeans, and dont cuff they pants, think bucket hats are cool, and have no color coordination skills.

cali nikkas have no swag at all. that shyt is non existent. yall stay thinking bucket hats are tough, when they aren't. shoes be bout colorful as shyt, no color coordination whatso ever. pants be FAT as shyt, and yall dont cuff yall jeans

My cousin went to Cali b4 and said the same thing. :mjlol: