Trump wants to screw over America like he screwed Gary, Indiana

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This is how Trump systematically screwed over the people of Gary

Here's the short version with commentary if you don't want to read the whole article.

* Trump claimed that gambling shouldn't be brought to Gary because gambling causes social ills. He swore he would never open a casino there.

Like Trump believes that shyt when he owns multiple enormous casinos himself. :heh:

* When the Indiana legislation went against Trump's wishes and approved casino licenses (causing new competition for his crumbling Atlantic City empire), Trump immediately rushed to get one of the two licenses the state had dedicated for a casino in Gary.

Hypocritical liar. :camby:

* But the city of Gary didn't trust him or want him. Trump's Atlantic City casinos were $1.5 billion in debt. Even after Trump spent a million dollars lobbying the city officials to give him the licence, they weren't biting. So he added a twist - he offered to give a 15% stake in his company to eight local investors from Gary, mostly Black men.

So we're getting somewhere, but.... :wtb:

* Trump then changed the deal, saying that he'd give a 7.5% stake to the investors and the other 7.5% stake to create a foundation for Indiana charities. 35 local charities are named specifically in the deal sent to the state. The Indiana Gaming Commission accepted the deal and awards Trump the license.

So the Indiana Gaming Commission, the 8 minority partners, and the charities trusted Trump. :usure:

* License in hand, Trump dumped all his partners and the foundation, giving them NOTHING, and took 100% ownership for himself. He claimed that nothing in the deal had been official.

Trump doesn't give a shyt about his Black partners or about charities in Gary. He's screw them for his own profit. :demonic:

* The minority investors sued Trump for breach of contract, and 6 of them settled for $2.2 million combined. But the other two, a wealthy Black Indiana businessman and a prominent White lawyer from Gary, refused to settle because they wanted to see Trump fulfill his obligation to Gary's charities.

Get that fool. :salute:

* The court awarded the last two $1.33 million and agreed that Trump had broken a contract. The court also showed that Trump had screwed charities out of somewhere between $5-30 million. But behind the scenes, Trump cut a deal with the mayor of Gary to create a new foundation that would give scholarships to Gary students, with the doling out of the scholarships partially controlled by the mayor. Trump would only have to pay a little more than $1 million into the foundation. At this point, his Gary casino was grossing more than $100 million/year.

Yep, Trump paid off a local politician so he could dikk over charities. :snoop:

* The last two holdouts felt that Trump's new agreement was still bullshyt for Gary and they kept fighting. Trump offered them an additional $1.5 million not to appeal. They appealed anyway because he had promised the charities WAY more than a couple mil. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, full of Reagan/Bush appointees, overturned the jury verdict and sided with Trump.


* Nine years after opening his Gary riverboat casino, with his gambling empire falling apart (all three Atlantic City casinos he owned had declared bankruptcy, as well as Trump Entertainment Suites), Trump sold the Gary riverboat casino for $250 million. The charities should have had 7.5% of that, and the local investors another 7.5%. But, of course, they actually have nothing except the peanuts Trump had given in the settlement.

All ya'all who are caping for Trump. That's exactly how much his promises are worth.


He doesn't give a shyt about what he's promised to do.

He doesn't give a shyt about the people who help him get there.

He doesn't give a shyt about Black people.

He doesn't give a shyt about poor people.

He will use you however he wants to use you in order to get to the top, and then you're getting trashed in the wastebasket while he gets his profits.

Don't say I didn't warn you. :ufdup:
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Here's the full artcle

Trump's Casino Broke a Big Promise to Give Millions to Charity
The GOP presidential nominee fought hard to avoid giving proceeds from his casino to local charities.

In 1993, Donald Trump wanted to open a riverboat casino about 40 miles from Chicago in the troubled and violent city of Gary, Indiana. But he had a problem: Gary wasn't keen on him. City officials were skeptical of Trump's vow to invest in the city. After all, Trump's Atlantic City casino empire, $1.5 billion in debt, was on the brink of bankruptcy. They recommended that the state grant Gary's two riverboat gambling licenses to other companies.

What Trump did to overcome their objections and win a lucrative Indiana casino license is a case study in his business practices. It's a tale of intense lobbying, political maneuvering, and, most notably, a broken promise to provide millions of dollars to local charities.

At the time Trump sought the casino license in Gary, the city's population was about 80 percent black, and nearly 17 percent of its population lived in deep poverty. The city was dubbed the murder capital of America. In an effort to revive its flagging fortunes after the collapse of the steel industry, Gary officials had sought to capitalize on its proximity to Chicago to turn it into a gambling hub.

Trump had long opposed opening casinos in Indiana. Such a move would threaten his Atlantic City operation. In 1990, he told the Chicago Tribune that he would never open a casino in Gary and that setting up gambling establishments there would be a "very bad idea, not only for Gary but also for the Chicago area." He contended that a Gary casino would "empty the pockets of people in Chicago" and increase welfare costs in Gary. "Gambling has not been the savior of Atlantic City," Trump said. "We still have slums here."

But a few years later, Trump changed his tune. In 1993, Indiana legislators voted to allow 11 riverboat casinos to open on Lake Michigan and elsewhere. Gary requested two of those casino licenses, and Trump wanted one of them. The competition for Gary's licenses was fierce. Trump reportedly spent $1 million on a campaign to win the backing of local officials.

Charles Hughes was on the Gary city council at the time and in the room for many of the negotiations with Trump. "He promised everything," Hughes recalls. "He was going to build these magnificent edifices in Gary. He was going to build giant hotels, he was going to hire all these people. He was going to change our world, until it came time to put it in writing."

Gary officials recommended the state award the licenses to other suitors, including a company owned by Don Barden, a Detroit native and later the first African American to own a casino in Las Vegas. After Trump failed to win Gary's endorsement, his lawyers recommended that Trump "Hoosierize" his application to the state to make it more attractive, according to legal documents. The attorneys suggested that Trump provide a 15 percent ownership interest in the riverboat casino to local investors.

Trump's organization recruited eight local investors, six of whom were from Gary or the surrounding Lake County; all but one were minorities. One of the two investors from outside Gary was William Mays, perhaps Indiana's most famous and successful black businessman. He owned a chemical company and one of the country's oldest black newspapers, the Indianapolis Recorder. (He died in 2014.) Trump's reps also enlisted Buddy Yosha, a prominent Indiana trial lawyer with strong ties to the state's Democratic political establishment.

Aside from Mays and Yosha, most of the potential investors didn't have the money to invest in Trump's enterprise. (The shares they were offered would cost each investor about $1.4 million.) So his lawyers offered the group a sweetheart deal in which the company would finance the purchase of their shares in the riverboat—loans they would pay back with their dividends and distributions.

During the negotiations, Yosha suggested Trump sweeten his offer to the state. He proposed that instead of giving the full 15 percent interest to this small group of investors, Trump offer them 7.5 percent and use the other 7.5 percent to set up a foundation that would make donations to Indiana charities. The local investors would serve as trustees of the foundation and administer it to ensure its work benefited charities in Gary and the state. Trump's firm agreed to the proposal.

Trump's lawyers drew up a document creating the foundation and got the investors to approve its terms. They asked Yosha to draft a list of charities the foundation could support.A letter from Trump's lawyer showed that the company had agreed on 35 charities, everything from Gamblers Anonymous to the Gary Commission on the Status of Women, food banks, homeless services, and groups that worked with the developmentally disabled. Then they sent the proposal to the Indiana gaming commission as part of Trump's casino application. Trump's representatives, according to legal filings, estimated during a hearing on the application that the arrangement would translate to about $11.5 million for the foundation. The gambit seemed to work. In December 1994, the state agreed to give Trump's company one of the two Gary gaming licenses.

Then Trump's company promptly dumped all the local minority investors, along with the promise to place 7.5 percent of the riverboat ownership into a foundation.

The news came as a shock to the would-be investors. Only months earlier, Trump's lawyers had sent letters to them that appeared to seal the deal. A February 1994 letter to Mays from Trump's lawyers said, "We are very pleased that you are now an investor in the Trump application for a riverboat gaming license in Indiana." But after Trump's company won the casino license, Yosha says his lawyers told the investors that nothing promised in the letters or the gaming license application was legally binding. "Everything had been oral," says lawyer James Fisher, who represented the investors. But he maintains that the assorted letters, such as the one Mays received, were confirmation that a deal had been reached between Trump's company and the investors.

Trump's promise to the Indiana investors had become inconvenient. By 1995, his New Jersey operation was on the verge of forced bankruptcy after falling behind on the huge debt payments owed on his Atlantic City establishments. He needed the Indiana riverboat to save his company. Using the Gary casino as additional security, Trump was able to refinance his near-bankrupt New Jersey casinos through a public stock offering for a new firm that lumped together the Indiana property and some of the New Jersey properties. This arrangement made it difficult for Trump's company to provide the minority investors or the foundation shares only in the Indiana riverboat.

In spring 1996, Trump unveiled the 290-foot casino boat, Trump Princess Indiana, and the jilted investors sued him and his company for breach of contract. Trump now routinely says he never settles lawsuits, but according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, a year later, the company that Trump formed for the riverboat venture, Trump Indiana, settled with four of the plaintiffs in the case for a total of more than $1.4 million. Two others eventually received more than $800,000 combined.

The deals, though, didn't end Trump's legal troubles in Indiana. Mays and Yosha refused to settle. They were unhappy that Trump had reneged on his promise to create the local foundation. The proposed charitable foundation, according to legal filings, was the only reason that Mays had agreed to lend his name to Trump's gambling license application. The case went to trial, and Trump himself testified for the defense.

In 1999, a federal jury awarded the pair $1.33 million. The jury found that Trump was not personally liable or guilty of fraud but that his company had broken a contract to give the two men shares of the Indiana casino. The jury also concluded that Trump's firm had violated its contractual agreement to create the foundation with 7.5 percent of the riverboat ownership. By ridding itself of this obligation, Trump's firm had avoided making a charitable contribution worth between $4.5 million and nearly $30 million, according to estimates by experts on both sides who testified at the trial.

The trial court judge signed off on the jury award to Yosha and Mays. But the fate of the multimillion-dollar foundation was not settled. The jury had found that Trump's firm had breached its contract with Yosha and Mays to create a charitable foundation, but the judge had the final say over the details of the foundation. And he decided that Trump's company didn't have to put 7.5 percent of the riverboat ownership into a foundation because it had created a different foundation that the judge considered an acceptable substitute.

This other foundation was the result of behind-the-scenes political maneuvering by Trump's operation. Unbeknown to Mays or Yosha, Trump, before dumping them and the other investors, had cut a deal with the new mayor of Gary, Scott King, who had been elected in November 1995, the first white person to hold the job in nearly three decades. As part of Trump Indiana's casino license, his firm was required to have a development agreement with the city of Gary. During negotiations with the city, Trump's lawyers persuaded the mayor to support the creation of a different foundation. This nonprofit would not be controlled by local investors. Rather, Trump himself would be president, and the other directors would be New Jersey-based employees of his firm. The mayor would be a trustee.

This foundation would not be funded by transferring valuable shares in the riverboat. Instead, Trump Indiana would give it an initial $1 million, followed by $100,000 annual donations. This money would fund a handful of $5,000 scholarships to Gary high school graduates every year. James Fisher, who represented the local investors, says Trump turned the foundation "into a political patronage thing, where the mayor would be able to pass it out." (King denies his work with the foundation was a form of patronage, saying the public schools had a far greater role than he did in deciding where the money would go.)

The money in the alternative foundation "was a small fraction of what he had originally represented to the gaming commission," says Fisher. In 1999, Trump Indiana had gross gaming revenues of $139 million. The $100,000 annual contributions to the Trump Indiana foundation amounted to 0.07 percent of the company's gross gaming income—a far cry from the 7.5 percent ownership Trump's firm had originally promised.

Yosha was upset over the judge's ruling on the foundation, and he and Mays considered appealing the decision to press the courts to hold Trump's company to its original agreement. Hoping to avoid further litigation, Trump's lawyers proposed settling. In March 2000, according to one letter between Fisher and Yosha and Mays, Trump Indiana offered to pay Yosha and Mays a total of $1 million and donate a total of $500,000 to charity over the course of five years if they would not appeal.

The settlement offer put Yosha and Mays in a bind. Appealing the trial court ruling on the foundation would mean risking the money the jury had awarded them individually. Yet the jilted investors chose to appeal the judge's ruling to "try to make Trump do what they committed themselves to doing, which is funding the charities," Yosha says.

This gamble proved a bad one. The conservative 7th Circuit Court of Appealsoverturned the jury verdict and sided with Trump, whose lawyers had argued that none of the promises they had made in letters to the investors constituted a binding contract. "We lost everything," says Yosha, who is still steamed about the whole episode.

Yosha's concerns about the Trump-controlled foundation—that it wouldn't do much to help the needy of Indiana—were eventually confirmed. In 2005, with his gambling empire in shambles, Trump sold the Indiana riverboat for a quarter of a billion dollars to Barden, the African American casino magnate who owned the other Gary riverboat.

If Trump's firm had stuck to its original promise to donate a 7.5 percent interest in the riverboat to a charitable foundation, the sale could have netted the foundation millions. Instead, the alternative Gary foundation received nothing from the sale. Barden eventually took over Trump's Indiana foundation. He died in 2011, and what's left of the nonprofit is now the Bella and Don Barden Foundation, run by Alana Barden, Barden's 20-something daughter who lives in California.

According to its most recent available tax filings, from 2012 through 2014, the foundation has made donations to the Motown music museum, a golf club caddy scholarship fund, and a cancer center that treated Barden before he died. Each of these recipients is in Detroit. It also made a donation to the Skull and Dagger Foundation at the University of Southern California, Alana's alma mater. During these same years, it handed out no money in Gary.


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
:ehh: sounds tempting but ill pass...even if your convoluted story is true this is nothing compared to the piles of bodies your evil queen left from eastern Europe to Africa

but the real story is this
Trump’s past in Indiana: ‘a lot of bling and bluster’ | 2016-04-09 | Indianapolis Business Journal |
He called it “the beginning of the end of those rough times” for Gary and, at first, the Trump casino ruled. Nearly 140,000 gamblers dropped $107 million there in the first three weeks, according to the Times of Northwest Indiana.

But after a glitzy start, the Trump boat had trouble competing for customers with other casinos in The Region. In 2006, Trump left town altogether, selling the boat to one of his rivals.

“Running for president, he’s saying a lot of things he’s uninformed about and he’ll never deliver on, and that’s the same thing he did in Gary,” said Chuck Hughes, a former Gary city council member who now runs the city’s chamber of commerce.

Trump claimed at the time that he would bring Gary clout and national prominence. And Trump’s Miss USA pageant was hosted in 2001 and 2002 in Gary, which the city thought would boost its stature.

But Hughes said the pageant ended up being a drain on taxpayers. News reports from the time said the city spent a total of $3.4 million over two years as host.

“Trump came in with his thoughts of grandeur,” Hughes said. “The city of Gary had to pay for everything—for the contestants to go on shopping sprees in Chicago along Michigan Avenue and trips to the [Chicago Bulls’] United Center. That was a major disaster.”

Ultimately, said Jenny Reske, a longtime employee at the Indiana Gaming Commission, Trump fulfilled his duties to the state as far as the Gary casino is concerned.

“He was a licensee in good standing the entire time he was here,” Reske said.

‘Very bad blood’

But in typical Trump fashion, he also made a few enemies along the way.

Partnering early on with two well-known Indiana businessmen—Bill Mays and Louis Buddy Yosha—led to a lawsuit, with Mays and Yosha alleging Trump had broken a contract that was supposed to give them 1 percent stakes in the Trump casino.

A judge initially awarded Mays and Yosha $1.4 million in damages, but found that Trump was not personally responsible. An appeals court later reversed the decision, finding that “Mays and Yosha were essentially seeking millions for almost nothing because for a time they thought they were going to get exactly that, millions for almost nothing.”

Feigenbaum said there was “very bad blood” between Trump and Mays and Yosha after that.
Several people familiar with Trump’s business dealings here remembered him as generous and professional—putting aside his feud with Barden, of course.

Reske, the former Gaming Commission employee, said Trump came in regularly to meet with regulators to “get feedback on how his operation was running and how his top-level executives were doing.”

“He was very hands-on,” Reske said.

Yelton said he didn’t have any interaction with Trump until about a month after the state and Trump ended the French Lick deal.

Trump called to thank him, Yelton said, for treating Trump’s Indiana team well during the inquiry into the company’s finances.

Then Trump invited Yelton to Florida to play golf with him on his course. Yelton didn’t take him up on it.

“He was a true gentleman,” Yelton said. “It was a very, very courteous call.”

Despite Trump’s colorful history here, Yelton said it’s unlikely that most Indiana voters would think about the casino stories when casting their votes.

“It’s a distant memory now,” he said.

But down in the French Lick area, Orange County GOP Chairman Jack Hinkle said he thinks Indiana residents remember The Donald for his grand vision.

People here love Donald Trump,” Hinkle said. “They loved what he was going to come here and do. Things didn’t work out, but at least he was trying. At least he had an interest in our small community and he was going to try for us.”•
:jawalrus: SMH hillary stans
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
:ehh: sounds tempting but ill pass...even if your convoluted story is true this is nothing compared to the piles of bodies your evil queen left from eastern Europe to Africa

but the real story is this

:jawalrus: SMH hillary stans

I have never, ever supported Clinton here or anywhere else. I opposed her in the primaries and will not vote for her in the general. And I've told you this.

This story has nothing to do with Hillary. I'm not even a Democrat, which should be clear to anyone who has ever read any of my political posts.

This story has to do with understanding exactly what kind of person Trump is, what he thinks about Black people, and how much weight his promises hold once he gets what he wants.

If you want to deflect from that, then why the hell do you even post on The Coli?


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
I have never, ever supported Clinton here or anywhere else. I opposed her in the primaries and will not vote for her in the general. And I've told you this.

This story has nothing to do with Hillary. I'm not even a Democrat, which should be clear to anyone who has ever read any of my political posts.

This story has to do with understanding exactly what kind of person Trump is, what he thinks about Black people, and how much weight his promises hold once he gets what he wants.

If you want to deflect from that, then why the hell do you even post on The Coli?

:patrice: Ill take your word for it...what do you think of the article sounds like trump did more for Gary than anybody had done in 20 years....the investment just didnt pay off.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
:ehh: sounds tempting but ill pass...even if your convoluted story is true this is nothing compared to the piles of bodies your evil queen left from eastern Europe to Africa

but the real story is this

:jawalrus: SMH hillary stans

That's some shady shiit if accurate as being reported. The point is, does this mean I should cooon it up for HillRod? :francis:

This shyt has nothing to do with hillary :wtf:

Stop bringing that bytch woman into shyt that speaks about Trump. These articles are not bait meant to deflect from Hillary. God damn - stand for something :mindblown:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
so we're just going to go through every issue in the country and blame it on Trump somehow :deadmanny::snoop:


Trump purposely F'd over Black investors and local charities in Gary out of millions and millions of dollars, clearly did it for his own profits, and you think it shouldn't be blamed on him because....? :mindblown:

:patrice: Ill take your word for it...what do you think of the article sounds like trump did more for Gary than anybody had done in 20 years....the investment just didnt pay off.

What the hell do you think he did for Gary?

Trump tried as hard as he could to keep casinos from being built in Gary because he didn't want competition.

Then Trump used lies and political connections to get the inside road on a casino in Gary that was ALREADY going to be built anyway if he had nothing to do with it.

Then Trump screwed all the local and Black investors out of a piece of the pie.

Then Trump screwed the local charities out of millions of dollars.

Then he tried to raise the casino's profile by hosting his own Miss USA pageant there, costing the city $3.4 million in the process that taxpayers had to pay.

And that's all from your OWN article claiming that he had done something great for Gary? :dahell:

Ya'all can realize that Hillary is not the ideal candidate for us, even refuse to vote for her like I am, and STILL recognize that Trump is the biggest racist to land a major party ticket at least since Reagan, possibly longer.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
So should I stand and not vote at all.......? I'm Indy myself.
If you don't want to vote, that's well within your right.

But not walking into a voting booth because Hillary is on the ballot, also means you're not lending your voice to the other government positions that are being fought for on that ballot.


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock

Trump purposely F'd over Black investors and local charities in Gary out of millions and millions of dollars, clearly did it for his own profits, and you think it shouldn't be blamed on him because....? :mindblown:
Because these huge multi partner real estate deals tend to be complicated and shady as fukk..thats why they are always in court...and heres what the judge said

A judge initially awarded Mays and Yosha $1.4 million in damages, but found that Trump was not personally responsible. An appeals court later reversed the decision, finding that “Mays and Yosha were essentially seeking millions for almost nothing because for a time they thought they were going to get exactly that, millions for almost nothing.”

From my read on it he was over-leveraged and when the businesses werent pulling in enough he borrowed too much to keep them going..then he declared bankrupcy to protect what was left.

:yeshrug:shyt happens..its business...every investor gets screwed at least once...what would have been messed up is if the project had succeeded then he fukked over the investors and the charity...then youd have a point.

What the hell do you think he did for Gary?

Not what i say cos i dont know..its what they say

“People here love Donald Trump,” Hinkle said. “They loved what he was going to come here and do. Things didn’t work out, but at least he was trying. At least he had an interest in our small community and he was going to try for us.”•

Trump tried as hard as he could to keep casinos from being built in Gary because he didn't want competition.

Then Trump used lies and political connections to get the inside road on a casino in Gary that was ALREADY going to be built anyway if he had nothing to do with it.

Then Trump screwed all the local and Black investors out of a piece of the pie.

Then Trump screwed the local charities out of millions of dollars.

Then he tried to raise the casino's profile by hosting his own Miss USA pageant there, costing the city $3.4 million in the process that taxpayers had to pay.

And that's all from your OWN article claiming that he had done something great for Gary? :dahell:

Ya'all can realize that Hillary is not the ideal candidate for us, even refuse to vote for her like I am, and STILL recognize that Trump is the biggest racist to land a major party ticket at least since Reagan, possibly longer.
:francis: you skipped this part huh?

observers said there were no hard feelings between Trump and the state when the French Lick deal died.

“It was almost a relief to Donald Trump that he didn’t have to go through with the proposal in French Lick,” Feigenbaum said. “I think he was starting to see some of the writing on the wall.”

Bloomington-based medical-device maker Bill Cook, who died in 2011, ended up renovating the two French Lick hotels and—with a partner—built the nearby casino, which opened in 2006. Cook was said to have spent $34 million of his own money on the project.

“Looking back, it was a win for us and it was a win for Trump,” Yelton said. “He started lessening his interest in gaming at that point. His involvement is very limited now.”


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
So should I stand and not vote at all.......? I'm Indy myself.

What is going to bring change?

Voting for a Democratic candidate who will likely keep the status quo and thinks the Black vote is just assumed?

Or voting for a Republican candidate who actively courts White Supremacists and who has added in a racist manner his entire career.

The Democratic Party is only going to serve the Black community's interests if they have a real fear of losing the Black vote. But the Trump base is actively opposing Black interests. As I see it, the only option for getting anything done is to make the Democratic Party actively afraid of the Black community not coming out to vote or voting third party. Otherwise, you're choosing between keeping the status quo, and making things worse.

Indiana still voted for Trump over Cruz doe :troll:


I'm sure there are as many Indiana Republicans voting for Trump in Gary as there are Coli Republicans stanning for him here.... :lolbron:

Because these huge multi partner real estate deals tend to be complicated and shady as fukk..thats why they are always in court...and heres what the judge said

Oh, PLEASE tell me that English is your second language or something.

A judge initially awarded Mays and Yosha $1.4 million in damages, but found that Trump was not personally responsible. An appeals court later reversed the decision, finding that “Mays and Yosha were essentially seeking millions for almost nothing because for a time they thought they were going to get exactly that, millions for almost nothing.”
From my read on it he was over-leveraged and when the businesses werent pulling in enough he borrowed too much to keep them going..then he declared bankrupcy to protect what was left.

Did you even read the article? He screwed the local investors out of the deal BEFORE HE EVEN STARTED BUILDING THE CASINO. He never even declared bankruptcy on the Gary casino, he declared bankruptcy on all his Atlantic City casinos. The only relevance the Atlantic City issue has to Gary is that his losses in Atlantic City are supposedly what led him to get greedy and steal the shares away from all his Gary partners.

Trump used the local Black businessmen and the promises to give 7.5% to charity to get the deal that he otherwise wouldn't have gotten. Then he screwed out the local partners and the charity to keep as much money as possible before the thing even got built.

The jury in the original court case said that Trump's partners DID get screwed. And if Trump didn't think there was merit, he wouldn't have bribed the mayor of Gary to set up that shady-ass fake side charity. And Trump was so scared of the appeal that he was ready to double the jury award to keep them from appealing.

The ONLY evidence you have to run with is that a super-conservative 7th Court of Appeals that was rolling with a majority of EIGHT Reagan nominees sided in favor of Trump and against the Black community. And that all happened long before Trump's Gary casino crashed and burned and he was forced to sell it.

:yeshrug:shyt happens..its business...every investor gets screwed at least once...what would have been messed up is if the project had succeeded then he fukked over the investors and the charity...then youd have a point.

Not what i say cos i dont know..its what they say

“People here love Donald Trump,” Hinkle said. “They loved what he was going to come here and do. Things didn’t work out, but at least he was trying. At least he had an interest in our small community and he was going to try for us.”•

:francis: you skipped this part huh?

observers said there were no hard feelings between Trump and the state when the French Lick deal died.

“It was almost a relief to Donald Trump that he didn’t have to go through with the proposal in French Lick,” Feigenbaum said. “I think he was starting to see some of the writing on the wall.”

Bloomington-based medical-device maker Bill Cook, who died in 2011, ended up renovating the two French Lick hotels and—with a partner—built the nearby casino, which opened in 2006. Cook was said to have spent $34 million of his own money on the project.

“Looking back, it was a win for us and it was a win for Trump,” Yelton said. “He started lessening his interest in gaming at that point. His involvement is very limited now.”

So the great thing that Trump did for French Lick was that he left. :dead:

You seriously are running with, "But Trump left the city for it's own good!" as the great thing he did for the city. :bryan:

Trump stans live in an alternate reality. :dahell: