Told to leave a movie showing of Poetic Justice


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
A beautiful community organizer with plans to keep her vagina sealed to penis penetration while she fukks girls with toys told I to leave her event tonite for keeping it tru.

Event was double feature movie at Capital Lounge in Baltimore, showing Love and Basketball and Poetic Justice.

Capital Lounge is in West Baltimore on a live drug strip. It is just the nicest lounge in the area started by hustlers for hustlers that is now expanding to community events. Keep this in mind.

So I arrive after 5 (event started at 3) just in time for the movie I intend to see (Poetic Justice). But when the movie come on it take so much time to get started I think of some other things I could be doing and decide to bounce.

But Before I leave I find the sister to express appreciation for the free event and share the beautiful Light that her in everytime I see her.

When I find her, I talk with the her to the point she directs me to sit with her. We vibe to a point In the conversation where I speak on health and she allows me to touch her stomach to feel how deeply she breathes. The sister and I then commit to linking later on to stretch and practice breathing techniques. After about 15 minutes of conversation I get up to leave and see the couple I came with exiting too. After a brief conversation with them the sister says, "guess Ill just watch th movie by myself then" and goes to watch. I see the opportunity and decide to watch it with her too.

Where the movie is showing is on the 2nd floor of a club type set up, in the furthest part of building away from the front door.

When I get to movie room and find her, I let her know I going to watch the movie with her and sit next too her. There are 2 or 3 others in the room with us. Everyone in their own areas. So while Im sitting next to the sister I tell her it is a good time to keep the commitment we just made downstairs and let her know I will rub her feet. She rejects by says something I cant hear over movie that I can only interrupt through her body language. Which is saying not right here where people can see when She then gets up to move to very rear of movie room after she stops talking. So I follow her lead to where we are now all alone. So I sit down with her and tell her to give me her foot. She tells me she just told me she didnt want her feet rubbed and that she wants to watch the movie. Ok, I get it now, her feet stink.

So I am in a dark room, watching Poetic Justice with a beautiful sister (tough tho) that has rejected me rubbing her feet. So I say cool and grab her hand, to which she also rejects then tells me how I am weirding her out and that she is now going to move. She lets me know its cool I stay in the spot we are sitting and that its "vip". Cool, I post up. I pull my food and water out the bag as the movie then gets to the part Tupac puts Janet out on the highway for acting the same way that sister just did, so Im loving it.

A little bit later the sister gets up and leaves the room and I remember the spliff behind my ear and spark it. Why not? Im in vip. As soon I spark it the movie goes to the scene where the song "whats that smell" starts to play. Perfect timing.

So once I finish and the smoke has now filled the room I see a young migos looking type of brother leave the room. I think nothing off it. Few minutes later, the sister comes in asking me if I was blazing in there because that guy just went and told on me.
I tell the sister yea and remind her Im in "vip" as I attempt to figure what the fukk is the problem. Its only 3 of us in this dark ass room, on the 2nd floor in the back of building located in an open drug market watching Poetic Justice. What the fukk is the problem? Sister then tells me I have to go. So I do.

Instagram: Lukhanyiso_maat
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Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
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Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
Interesting Story... :jbhmm:

Did she agree to letting you rub her feet? I didn't see that part in the story..

And why did you grab her hand after the Foot Rub Rejection?

I could be reading the story wrong but maybe you picked up the wrong Vibe..

The sister rejected the foot rub, said she wasnt comfortable with it. I took it as her feet stunk or insecure about how they looked.

I grabbed her hand because she is a beautiful female that I am sitting with watching a movie

I appreciate the question. Blessings