They really need to unsticky the following threads: the Tyrant one, the random movie thoughts one, Hannibal, Humans and mr. Robot, Comic COn 2015 and Ballers.

They really need to unsticky the following threads: the Tyrant one, the random movie thoughts one, Hannibal, Humans and mr. Robot, Comic COn 2015 and Ballers.
That's the point to tell brehs some good shows they might be missing. And humans is up to ep 4 in the UK so doubleI am a fan of Hannibal and Mr. Robot (havent' watched the 2 eps of Humans on my DVR yet) but they don't generate the numbers to warrant being stickied.
I mentioned this months ago... I think @hexagram23 told me to contact @cook or someone else but I forgot to do it.I don't understand why The Film Room doesn't have an essential or popular threads section at the bottom of the forum like The Arcadium and The Coliseum do.
Breh, the concept of stickying shows in the film room is kinda dumb. I'm not calling you or Jax dumb for stickying them. You have cats @ you guys on the daily to do it so it seems like the normal/convenient thing to do. But if a show is popular like that then it'll be automatically upped because of the natural traffic the discussion will cause. Upping threads shouldn't be about advertisement but instead about importance. The Netflix thread deserves to be upped, as does the Random Thoughts thread and whatever random Top 10 thread that's currently going on. Comic Con being upped for a week makes sense, just like E3 would be upped for a week in the Arcadium or the NBA Draft for a couple days in the Coliseum. The Oscars, the Emmys, shyt like that deserves to be upped.Oh trust me, every single person that wanted each of those treads stickied will complain.
Oh trust me, every single person that wanted each of those treads stickied will complain.
You can't please everyone. Someone will want a show they like to be upped and complain about it, and then you'd end up just upping every show on TV. I'd just sticky each show the day it airs but I don't have the necessary mod powers to do that
. @cook.
But really none of these shows need to be upped. Especially the more active ones. They're on the main page long enough for it not to matter.
And if you don't have a 50 thread count per page![]()
put the stickies back. fukk the haters
Breh, the concept of stickying shows in the film room is kinda dumb. I'm not calling you or Jax dumb for stickying them. You have cats @ you guys on the daily to do it so it seems like the normal/convenient thing to do. But if a show is popular like that then it'll be automatically upped because of the natural traffic the discussion will cause. Upping threads shouldn't be about advertisement but instead about importance. The Netflix thread deserves to be upped, as does the Random Thoughts thread and whatever random Top 10 thread that's currently going on. Comic Con being upped for a week makes sense, just like E3 would be upped for a week in the Arcadium or the NBA Draft for a couple days in the Coliseum. The Oscars, the Emmys, shyt like that deserves to be upped.
If cats want to put dudes on to something new, make a "Film Room Essentials" thread, make a template post that has all of the Film Room brehs @, then that way if someone wants to make people aware of a new show they should check out they can copy/paste that (pretty sure you guys did that for the Film Club or whatever it was). I was cool with blockbuster/event movies like Jurrasic World and Age of Ultron being upped for a couple weeks but even that isn't necessary.
cant we have the shows and current events like comic con stickied up and there rec room movie thread, comic book... stickied down?Breh, here's the thing.
I'm completely neutral to every opinion in this thread. The problem is nobody can agree on anything. Literally not one thing.
For example, I agree with 90% of your post. However, "importance" is a tricky thing because not everyone cares about the Emmys or Oscars, or Comic-Con. And if those get stickied....and someone's favorite show doesn't....that's another argument.
The show thing is a whole other headache....because popular shows should get stickied....but what about shows like "Utopia", that 90% of this board wouldn't have watched, if not for the sticky?
What about critical acclaim? I mean....if we're calling out "Hannibal", why not use the same logic on "The Wire", too? People retroactively made it popular. Not saying the two shows are equal, but you get my point.
So from now on if people want something stickied, contact @Jax I guess. I'm not even mad I'm more likebecause there is no system that is going to make everyone happy, and I'm tired of hearing people complain.
exactly shows like Gomorra aswell would of stayed being slept onBreh, here's the thing.
I'm completely neutral to every opinion in this thread. The problem is nobody can agree on anything. Literally not one thing.
For example, I agree with 90% of your post. However, "importance" is a tricky thing because not everyone cares about the Emmys or Oscars, or Comic-Con. And if those get stickied....and someone's favorite show doesn't....that's another argument.
The show thing is a whole other headache....because popular shows should get stickied....but what about shows like "Utopia", that 90% of this board wouldn't have watched, if not for the sticky?
What about critical acclaim? I mean....if we're calling out "Hannibal", why not use the same logic on "The Wire", too? People retroactively made it popular. Not saying the two shows are equal, but you get my point.
So from now on if people want something stickied, contact @Jax I guess. I'm not even mad I'm more likebecause there is no system that is going to make everyone happy, and I'm tired of hearing people complain.
exactly shows like Gomorra aswell would of stayed being slept on
put Humans back up please
i dont understand why these guys are crying about stickys
We don't care about those trash shows![]()
What if no one cares about Summer Jam, The Grammy's or the B.E.T Awards in The Booth? What if soccer fans could care less about Cavs vs. Warriors Finals or The Super Bowl? In a sub forum about Movies, TV and Books, The Oscars and Emmy's need to be upped. They're the culmination of everything that's been talked about the whole year. On an average day, the front page of this forum is littered with threads about comics or comic book movies, hence why an official Comic Con thread makes sense being upped. I get why people think popular shows should be upped, but if I asked you or other people why they should be upped I'm not sure I'd get a legit answer. Why does Power, True Detective or Ballers need to be upped when even on the days they don't air, people are posting in those threads? I was made aware of Utopia because one of the brehs tagged me. I haven't watched Humans or Mr. Robot or Gommora, or any of the many other random shows that have been upped. If cats want to put people on, just tag them.Breh, here's the thing.
I'm completely neutral to every opinion in this thread. The problem is nobody can agree on anything. Literally not one thing.
For example, I agree with 90% of your post. However, "importance" is a tricky thing because not everyone cares about the Emmys or Oscars, or Comic-Con. And if those get stickied....and someone's favorite show doesn't....that's another argument.
The show thing is a whole other headache....because popular shows should get stickied....but what about shows like "Utopia", that 90% of this board wouldn't have watched, if not for the sticky?
What about critical acclaim? I mean....if we're calling out "Hannibal", why not use the same logic on "The Wire", too? People retroactively made it popular. Not saying the two shows are equal, but you get my point.
So from now on if people want something stickied, contact @Jax I guess. I'm not even mad I'm more likebecause there is no system that is going to make everyone happy, and I'm tired of hearing people complain.
What if no one cares about Summer Jam, The Grammy's or the B.E.T Awards in The Booth? What if soccer fans could care less about Cavs vs. Warriors Finals or The Super Bowl? In a sub forum about Movies, TV and Books, The Oscars and Emmy's need to be upped. They're the culmination of everything that's been talked about the whole year. On an average day, the front page of this forum is littered with threads about comics or comic book movies, hence why an official Comic Con thread makes sense being upped. I get why people think popular shows should be upped, but if I asked you or other people why they should be upped I'm not sure I'd get a legit answer. Why does Power, True Detective or Ballers need to be upped when even on the days they don't air, people are posting in those threads? I was made aware of Utopia because one of the brehs tagged me. I haven't watched Humans or Mr. Robot or Gommora, or any of the many other random shows that have been upped. If cats want to put people on, just tag them.
You're 100% right, nobody can agree on anything. shyt, nikkas couldn't agree on The Fim Room being its own sub forum. The answer to that: take it out of their hands and unsticky everything except for the long running threads like the Netflix and Random Thoughts threads. That way no show is being given precedence over another and the one thing everyone can agree on is complaining about their favorite show not being upped![]()