They Poisoned The Water Supply Up In Flint,Michigan Under A Black Op


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
(That poisoning of the Flint,Water supply up in Michigan was a Black Op in order to get the Army up in there.....this is a dry run + Tuskegee all in one):sas2:....:ufdup:

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Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter

What Will Happen To Flint’s Lead-Poisoned Children?


“I love Flint, I am Flint, I do community work in Flint, but if there’s one thing that can actually drive me from Michigan right now, it’s this water,” said Chia Morgan.

Morgan, a social worker and mother of a 3-year-old daughter, has lived in the Flint area her entire life but she may soon leave the state for fear of lead poisoning.

After the city began using the Flint River as a drinking water supply in 2014, the incidence of elevated blood lead levels among Flint children under age 5 nearly doubled from 2.1 percent to 4 percent, according to research led by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha at the Hurley Medical Center and released in September of last year.

Now, an email obtained by NBC News shows that an epidemiologist notified the state about an increase in Flint kids’ lead levels as early as July of last year.

Morgan’s first whiff of trouble came when she picked her daughter up from their Flint babysitter’s house and thought the water in the home “smelled funny.” Other residents have described the water as looking “like urine” and smelling “like the sewer” or “fishy.” Morgan’s daughter, thankfully, has had normal blood test results so far but the concerned mother doesn’t want to take any chances.

“I’m actually contemplating leaving,” Morgan told The Daily Beast. “Water? That’s a basic necessity. And if I can’t drink that here... I can’t help others if I can’t keep my own family safe here.”

Flint has been embroiled in a years-long water crisis that will have long-lasting and, for some, life-altering consequences.

In 2014, the impoverished city stopped buying water from Detroit but residents still needed a potable supply while awaiting the construction of a pipeline to Lake Huron. Sourcing water from the Flint River was seen as an affordable option but investigators now know that, after the switch, the highly corrosive river water leached lead from pipes into people’s homes. Flint Mayor Karen Weaver has said that it could cost as much as $1.5 billion to repair the city’s water infrastructure.

Last week, in response to months of complaints, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency. This Wednesday, he activated the National Guard to distribute clean water to Flint residents and asked for aid from FEMA. The blame, the litigation, and the investigations are all underway.

In November, the EPA announced that it would investigate whether the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) violated the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) by not treating the Flint River water with an anti-corrosive agent before sending it through the system. And at the end of the year, MDEQ head Dan Wyant resigned after an independent task force faulted his agency’s handling of the situation.

But as the crisis continues, some in the community are soberly turning their attention to the future: Now that the damage has been done, what will happen to the next generation of Flint kids?
Lower IQ. Learning problems. Slowed growth. Inability to pay attention. These are a few of the long-term effects that lead poisoning can have on children, according to the EPA and the CDC. Other effects include anemia and hyperactivity.

Via: What Will Happen to Flint’s Lead-Poisoned Children?


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
LA got a methane leak that's been leaking for months,like i been informing ya'll we got no chance bruh..fid a spiritual path/meditation and level up to breakaway consciousness when the motherships arrive and enjoy the shyt you have now cause Mother Gaia is about to undergo a regenesis&transformation for the end of this yuga,you should too..

Psy Ops/Black Flag Operations like this will only increase for this population reduction game the Illuminazi's are playing,keep your ajna on a swivel ya'll..

or just keep playing and die off&stay on Earf for another 13,000 years playing Romper room games,your choice..:manny:


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
LA got a methane leak that's been leaking for months,like i been informing ya'll we got no chance bruh..fid a spiritual path/meditation and level up to breakaway consciousness when the motherships arrive and enjoy the shyt you have now cause Mother Gaia is about to undergo a regenesis&transformation for the end of this yuga,you should too..

Psy Ops/Black Flag Operations like this will only increase for this population reduction game the Illuminazi's are playing,keep your ajna on a swivel ya'll..

or just keep playing and die off&stay on Earf for another 13,000 years playing Romper room games,your choice..:manny:

Company knew it was leaking for 24 years, but like the BP Gulf oil spill, the company was basically to cheap :leostare: to invest in fixing the problem. The Company Behind LA's Methane Disaster Knew Its Well Was Leaking 24 Years Ago | Zero Hedge

"Other safety issues have been pointed out recently, too. Earlier this month, The LA Times reported that attorneys representing some of the 1,000 residents suing SoCalGas over the leak claim the company failed to replace an important safety valve that was removed in 1979—a valve that could have stopped the current leak in its tracks. The plaintiffs also allege that the company again identified leaks at the site five years ago, but never implemented plans to fix them"