The real truth about Black History**** Long READ*** Come and Discuss

humble Hermit

Mind Power
May 9, 2012
Conquering Lion
I'm gonna try to simplify things as much as possible. I know that they're a lot of brothers on this site who wants to know more and educate themselves on topics of Black history. I don't proclaim to know all but I have been researching for years and I want to share what I have learned and some of what I've Witness. It will be up to you to use to interpret them how you feel, whether it be nonsense to you or the truth.My intentions are not to instill my beliefs on anyone, I'm just stating words I may consider as facts, as they have been told to me. I urge you to remain open minded. I will say that, don't always rely on Western Science to answer all of your questions. They're indeed amazing but they've have been wrong plenty of times before and will create a system or way to have a seat at the table, only to discuss topics they've created that you don't understand and since you don't understand it, they will capitalize on that and use the fact that you don't know against you. You will have to change your way of thinking because they've systematically structure your brain to adhere to their ideology. You will have stop looking at yourself 2nd class to the Structure and view yourself as equal.
To understand our history you have to understand that the history books hasn't been so kind to black people. Most of our ancient history were kept Orally before the Europeans and others, so it was easy to claim things with their methods of records that Africans did not have a concept of. What you have to understand, good or bad :wow:, Europeans changed society and life as we know it when they came around. I will try to include factual documents backing up what I write but I'm in no way trying to be controversial. Sounds weird and not factual but some people are born with gifts. Even Special Abilities its just how you apply it pertaining to real life. See instances special needs people like Kim Peeks( The Movie Rain Man was based on him) he has an amazing memory and almost never forget. I've worked with a ton of people who are similar to this man and a few where blind kids. It's called Savant. I'm using him/them as an examples for what I'm about to say next and it will make sense hopefully.
Griots are West Africans story tellers and historians and keepers of their tribe's oral history. From the early ages they are taught and learned to memorize word for word sacred ancestral knowledge being passed down generations before; and then they move to different ranks at different stages of life, in their tribe. Unless brain damaged, everybody has the ability that people like Kim Peeks or people who are Autistic Savant. Your mind is powerful and capable of performing amazing feats brehs. You will just have to train yourself and be dedicated. For the most part and this cannot be backed factually but Black People are naturally very spiritual. People was comfortable with their way of life back then(Hunter Gather):ld:. If you notice all around the world, Indigenous people collectively has purposely been trying to stay out of contact with the rest of the world and will throw a spear at a helicopter.
They're more concerned with their ancestors and the land around them. Worshipping it. Europeans apparently didn't understand that concept very well and branded it as voodoo/witch craft crap:yeshrug:. Bet you didn't know the original "Illuminati" came from Africa. Voodoo/Obeah is shunned upon in today's society because of a bunch of reasons but whether you want to believe or not, it's possible. A lot of West Indians slaves kept that tradition and fought off a lot of slaves during times. History won't really speak on it but it's out there research it:manny: edit. Look HERE

The way of life was different back then (and when I say back then, I mean over 6000 years ago.)

You may not believe or know(and even if you do know or disagree, I'm sparking a new idea of thinking into some of our brothers who may be lost or searching so no offense to anyone) but Africans have been all over the world and lived on every land on Earth. These African people may have not looked like you and I 100% today but they were Black in essence due to appearance/characterisitics and strong melanin ties. If you truly know what Melanin is/means then you'll know what I mean because everything in the universe is composed from the color Black. You cannot create black from white. A black couple can produce albino/white babies Our conscious separates us from other beings on this planet. Our physical avatars are just that, our makeup. The Earth is alive and living and I do not mean that literally. I can go deeper into that another time or message me. I know this sounds like that dude @HebrewAllahTripleDarkness no disrespect but I'm not trolling. Over time our bodies will change on earth.
You can trace humans back to East Africa by Western science way of dating 7-8 million more years back. They claim modern humans has been around for a bit over 200,000 years now but Modern Europeans has only been around for 6000 years or so. Controversial stuff, but the methods and tools they create to date artifacts and samples, backs it up. Change happened due to vegetation and climate (ice age) and a few other factors. So if they've only been around for the last 6 thousands years or so, Ask yourself, who taught them???????????? Their facts have proven we've been around for million of years ( wayyy longer too, but that's for another discussion :sas2:). All races deprived from blacks at one point and they went through changes. I have saved documents of 2 skeleton remains, from at least the 800 AD, being of negroid and the other half negro/Indian descent. In the document, white people are saying they don't know how they got there and may have been dropped off because they can't explain:skip:. These were found in St.Thomas, Virgin Islands at least 1200 years ago. If blacks has only been coming to the Americas for the last 450 year so since slavery, why are there negro remains scattered across every continent? They hid your history. Made attempts to cover everything black( like some of them do now when they find out they have a great great grandfather of negro descent). Since most of our records weren't kept (actually they were, but was burned down time after time) Make you think that you ain't never been nothing and create and fantasy society for you to live in while only allowing you to get as far as they allow. Black moors assisted Columbus on his journeys because they already had maps of the Atlantic and has been going for centuries. Europe now is covered with black figure/statues that they hysterically lie saying that they were once white :pachaha:and through oxidation became black.
Native Americans were cool with a lot of African slaves because they know where they came from. They still knew their history. A lot of Native American tribes had "black" people in them, they're just not the same Africans structured and of the same phenotype as the ones in west Africa due to a number of factors I can get into another time. But back to the Native Americans. So these tribes has had indigenous black folks scattered among what your typical idea of what a native look like. When the Asians crossed the Bering Strait to the Alaska and further down to the rest of the Americas, they're were already indigenous black people there. I know that may be hard to believe because you've been taught over time they assimilated and they're appearances changed in groups and bundles but they weren't totally gone. That was one of the reasons the natives were cool with us:obama:. They knew of their ancestors and where they came from. It's like a lost cousin. One thing YOU have to keep reminding yourself, these people have not been on Earth as long. Even if you believe that people started migrating out of Africa circa 60,000 years ago, different races really didn't start popping up till much later.Their rituals and way of life was very very similar to our ancestors before they migrated. There had to be a teacher. Someone had to teach them.

Guess who taught them?????:mjpls:


They ( The Western views)do not have all the answers in life.Stop seeking acceptance and be the strong person that you are. Trust your better judgement, your inner voice. Our history is stronger than anyone else of Earth. Don't believe that we didn't contribute anything or much to society but Peanut butter. That's a big lie that gets told time after time, until it became fact for a lot of people. Know yourself and wake up:ufdup:

humble Hermit

Mind Power
May 9, 2012
Conquering Lion

Africans were sailing to the Americas 500 years or more before Columbus ventured across the Atlantic yet the history books failed to reflect the great contributions of African people to early America. Dozens of majestic stone heads have been found at ancient sacred sites, such as La Venta and Tres Zapotes in southern Mexico. Ranging up to 9 feet and 4 inches in height, with a circumference of 22 feet, and weighing 30 to 40 tons, these colossal statues depict helmeted Black men with large eyes, broad fleshy noses and full lips. They appear to represent priest-kings who ruled vast territories in the ancient New World from provinces near the Gulf of Mexico.In the holy city of La Venta, dating back to at least 1500 BC, four of these large stone heads were discovered on a ceremonial platform featuring a miniature step pyramid and a conical pyramid - the earliest of such monuments to appear in the Americas. Other art-work also serves as evidence of Africans in America before Columbus.

It was reported that Negroid skulls and skeletons have also been found throughout the New World. Polish professor Andrzej Wiercinski has revealed the discovery of African skulls at Olmec sites in Tlatilco, Cerro de las Mesas and Monte Alban. Furthermore, very ancient African skeletons have been unearth in California, Mexico, Central and South America. The best evidence of the Black presence in America before Columbus comes from the pen of the "great discoverer" himself. In his Journal of the Second Voyage, Columbus reported that when he reached Haiti the native Americans told him that black-skinned people had come from the south and southeast in boats, trading in gold-tipped medal spears. At least a dozen other European explorers, including Vasco Nunez de Balboa, also reported seeing or hearing of "Negroes" when they reached the New World.

Ivan Van Sertima, who documented the African presence in ancient America, built a strong case demonstrating that many Olmec cultural traits were of African origin: "A study of the Olmec civilization reveals elements that so closely parallel ritual traits and techniques in the Egypto-Nubian world of the same period that it is difficult to maintain that all these are due to mere coincidence." Other scholars believe that Africans introduced a calendar, writing, pyramid and tomb construction, mummification, as well as certain political systems and religious traditions to the native Americans. It is certain that the Indian’s version of the “discovery” would be quite different from the European accounts had they been given the opportunity to tell it. Certain artifacts have shown that they were not an uncivilized community as Columbus had claimed.

They had a wide range of abundant food sources, healthy relationships with their neighbors, and were experienced traders. Within a generation of Columbus’s landing, their entire group of people and their culture became extinct. When the natives began to die off, they were replaced with African slaves. Columbus’s search for fame led to the eradication of an entire culture. Greed and the desire for glory caused him to commit unimaginable acts toward humanity.
May 1, 2012
I'm gonna try to simplify things as much as possible. I know that they're a lot of brothers on this site who wants to know more and educate themselves on topics of Black history. I don't proclaim to know all but I have been researching for years and I want to share what I have learned and some of what I've Witness. It will be up to you to use to interpret them how you feel, whether it be nonsense to you or the truth.My intentions are not to instill my beliefs on anyone, I'm just stating words I may consider as facts, as they have been told to me. I urge you to remain open minded. I will say that, don't always rely on Western Science to answer all of your questions. They're indeed amazing but they've have been wrong plenty of times before and will create a system or way to have a seat at the table, only to discuss topics they've created that you don't understand and since you don't understand it, they will capitalize on that and use the fact that you don't know against you. You will have to change your way of thinking because they've systematically structure your brain to adhere to their ideology. You will have stop looking at yourself 2nd class to the Structure and view yourself as equal.
To understand our history you have to understand that the history books hasn't been so kind to black people. Most of our ancient history were kept Orally before the Europeans and others, so it was easy to claim things with their methods of records that Africans did not have a concept of. What you have to understand, good or bad :wow:, Europeans changed society and life as we know it when they came around. I will try to include factual documents backing up what I write but I'm in no way trying to be controversial. Sounds weird and not factual but some people are born with gifts. Even Special Abilities its just how you apply it pertaining to real life. See instances special needs people like Kim Peeks( The Movie Rain Man was based on him) he has an amazing memory and almost never forget. I've worked with a ton of people who are similar to this man and a few where blind kids. It's called Savant. I'm using him/them as an examples for what I'm about to say next and it will make sense hopefully.
Griots are West Africans story tellers and historians and keepers of their tribe's oral history. From the early ages they are taught and learned to memorize word for word sacred ancestral knowledge being passed down generations before; and then they move to different ranks at different stages of life, in their tribe. Unless brain damaged, everybody has the ability that people like Kim Peeks or people who are Autistic Savant. Your mind is powerful and capable of performing amazing feats brehs. You will just have to train yourself and be dedicated. For the most part and this cannot be backed factually but Black People are naturally very spiritual. People was comfortable with their way of life back then(Hunter Gather):ld:. If you notice all around the world, Indigenous people collectively has purposely been trying to stay out of contact with the rest of the world and will throw a spear at a helicopter.
They're more concerned with their ancestors and the land around them. Worshipping it. Europeans apparently didn't understand that concept very well and branded it as voodoo/witch craft crap:yeshrug:. Bet you didn't know the original "Illuminati" came from Africa. Voodoo/Obeah is shunned upon in today's society because of a bunch of reasons but whether you want to believe or not, it's possible. A lot of West Indians slaves kept that tradition and fought off a lot of slaves during times. History won't really speak on it but it's out there research it:manny: edit. Look HERE

The way of life was different back then (and when I say back then, I mean over 6000 years ago.)

You may not believe or know(and even if you do know or disagree, I'm sparking a new idea of thinking into some of our brothers who may be lost or searching so no offense to anyone) but Africans have been all over the world and lived on every land on Earth. These African people may have not looked like you and I 100% today but they were Black in essence due to appearance/characterisitics and strong melanin ties. If you truly know what Melanin is/means then you'll know what I mean because everything in the universe is composed from the color Black. You cannot create black from white. A black couple can produce albino/white babies Our conscious separates us from other beings on this planet. Our physical avatars are just that, our makeup. The Earth is alive and living and I do not mean that literally. I can go deeper into that another time or message me. I know this sounds like that dude @HebrewAllahTripleDarkness no disrespect but I'm not trolling. Over time our bodies will change on earth.
You can trace humans back to East Africa by Western science way of dating 7-8 million more years back. They claim modern humans has been around for a bit over 200,000 years now but Modern Europeans has only been around for 6000 years or so. Controversial stuff, but the methods and tools they create to date artifacts and samples, backs it up. Change happened due to vegetation and climate (ice age) and a few other factors. So if they've only been around for the last 6 thousands years or so, Ask yourself, who taught them???????????? Their facts have proven we've been around for million of years ( wayyy longer too, but that's for another discussion :sas2:). All races deprived from blacks at one point and they went through changes. I have saved documents of 2 skeleton remains, from at least the 800 AD, being of negroid and the other half negro/Indian descent. In the document, white people are saying they don't know how they got there and may have been dropped off because they can't explain:skip:. These were found in St.Thomas, Virgin Islands at least 1200 years ago. If blacks has only been coming to the Americas for the last 450 year so since slavery, why are there negro remains scattered across every continent? They hid your history. Made attempts to cover everything black( like some of them do now when they find out they have a great great grandfather of negro descent). Since most of our records weren't kept (actually they were, but was burned down time after time) Make you think that you ain't never been nothing and create and fantasy society for you to live in while only allowing you to get as far as they allow. Black moors assisted Columbus on his journeys because they already had maps of the Atlantic and has been going for centuries. Europe now is covered with black figure/statues that they hysterically lie saying that they were once white :pachaha:and through oxidation became black.
Native Americans were cool with a lot of African slaves because they know where they came from. They still knew their history. A lot of Native American tribes had "black" people in them, they're just not the same Africans structured and of the same phenotype as the ones in west Africa due to a number of factors I can get into another time. But back to the Native Americans. So these tribes has had indigenous black folks scattered among what your typical idea of what a native look like. When the Asians crossed the Bering Strait to the Alaska and further down to the rest of the Americas, they're were already indigenous black people there. I know that may be hard to believe because you've been taught over time they assimilated and they're appearances changed in groups and bundles but they weren't totally gone. That was one of the reasons the natives were cool with us:obama:. They knew of their ancestors and where they came from. It's like a lost cousin. One thing YOU have to keep reminding yourself, these people have not been on Earth as long. Even if you believe that people started migrating out of Africa circa 60,000 years ago, different races really didn't start popping up till much later.Their rituals and way of life was very very similar to our ancestors before they migrated. There had to be a teacher. Someone had to teach them.

Guess who taught them?????:mjpls:


They ( The Western views)do not have all the answers in life.Stop seeking acceptance and be the strong person that you are. Trust your better judgement, your inner voice. Our history is stronger than anyone else of Earth. Don't believe that we didn't contribute anything or much to society but Peanut butter. That's a big lie that gets told time after time, until it became fact for a lot of people. Know yourself and wake up:ufdup:


Grand Cru Boo

May 8, 2012
New Yawk New Yawk
I'm gonna try to simplify things as much as possible. I know that they're a lot of brothers on this site who wants to know more and educate themselves on topics of Black history. I don't proclaim to know all but I have been researching for years and I want to share what I have learned and some of what I've Witness. It will be up to you to use to interpret them how you feel, whether it be nonsense to you or the truth.My intentions are not to instill my beliefs on anyone, I'm just stating words I may consider as facts, as they have been told to me. I urge you to remain open minded. I will say that, don't always rely on Western Science to answer all of your questions. They're indeed amazing but they've have been wrong plenty of times before and will create a system or way to have a seat at the table, only to discuss topics they've created that you don't understand and since you don't understand it, they will capitalize on that and use the fact that you don't know against you. You will have to change your way of thinking because they've systematically structure your brain to adhere to their ideology. You will have stop looking at yourself 2nd class to the Structure and view yourself as equal.
To understand our history you have to understand that the history books hasn't been so kind to black people. Most of our ancient history were kept Orally before the Europeans and others, so it was easy to claim things with their methods of records that Africans did not have a concept of. What you have to understand, good or bad :wow:, Europeans changed society and life as we know it when they came around. I will try to include factual documents backing up what I write but I'm in no way trying to be controversial. Sounds weird and not factual but some people are born with gifts. Even Special Abilities its just how you apply it pertaining to real life. See instances special needs people like Kim Peeks( The Movie Rain Man was based on him) he has an amazing memory and almost never forget. I've worked with a ton of people who are similar to this man and a few where blind kids. It's called Savant. I'm using him/them as an examples for what I'm about to say next and it will make sense hopefully.
Griots are West Africans story tellers and historians and keepers of their tribe's oral history. From the early ages they are taught and learned to memorize word for word sacred ancestral knowledge being passed down generations before; and then they move to different ranks at different stages of life, in their tribe. Unless brain damaged, everybody has the ability that people like Kim Peeks or people who are Autistic Savant. Your mind is powerful and capable of performing amazing feats brehs. You will just have to train yourself and be dedicated. For the most part and this cannot be backed factually but Black People are naturally very spiritual. People was comfortable with their way of life back then(Hunter Gather):ld:. If you notice all around the world, Indigenous people collectively has purposely been trying to stay out of contact with the rest of the world and will throw a spear at a helicopter.
They're more concerned with their ancestors and the land around them. Worshipping it. Europeans apparently didn't understand that concept very well and branded it as voodoo/witch craft crap:yeshrug:. Bet you didn't know the original "Illuminati" came from Africa. Voodoo/Obeah is shunned upon in today's society because of a bunch of reasons but whether you want to believe or not, it's possible. A lot of West Indians slaves kept that tradition and fought off a lot of slaves during times. History won't really speak on it but it's out there research it:manny: edit. Look HERE

The way of life was different back then (and when I say back then, I mean over 6000 years ago.)

You may not believe or know(and even if you do know or disagree, I'm sparking a new idea of thinking into some of our brothers who may be lost or searching so no offense to anyone) but Africans have been all over the world and lived on every land on Earth. These African people may have not looked like you and I 100% today but they were Black in essence due to appearance/characterisitics and strong melanin ties. If you truly know what Melanin is/means then you'll know what I mean because everything in the universe is composed from the color Black. You cannot create black from white. A black couple can produce albino/white babies Our conscious separates us from other beings on this planet. Our physical avatars are just that, our makeup. The Earth is alive and living and I do not mean that literally. I can go deeper into that another time or message me. I know this sounds like that dude @HebrewAllahTripleDarkness no disrespect but I'm not trolling. Over time our bodies will change on earth.
You can trace humans back to East Africa by Western science way of dating 7-8 million more years back. They claim modern humans has been around for a bit over 200,000 years now but Modern Europeans has only been around for 6000 years or so. Controversial stuff, but the methods and tools they create to date artifacts and samples, backs it up. Change happened due to vegetation and climate (ice age) and a few other factors. So if they've only been around for the last 6 thousands years or so, Ask yourself, who taught them???????????? Their facts have proven we've been around for million of years ( wayyy longer too, but that's for another discussion :sas2:). All races deprived from blacks at one point and they went through changes. I have saved documents of 2 skeleton remains, from at least the 800 AD, being of negroid and the other half negro/Indian descent. In the document, white people are saying they don't know how they got there and may have been dropped off because they can't explain:skip:. These were found in St.Thomas, Virgin Islands at least 1200 years ago. If blacks has only been coming to the Americas for the last 450 year so since slavery, why are there negro remains scattered across every continent? They hid your history. Made attempts to cover everything black( like some of them do now when they find out they have a great great grandfather of negro descent). Since most of our records weren't kept (actually they were, but was burned down time after time) Make you think that you ain't never been nothing and create and fantasy society for you to live in while only allowing you to get as far as they allow. Black moors assisted Columbus on his journeys because they already had maps of the Atlantic and has been going for centuries. Europe now is covered with black figure/statues that they hysterically lie saying that they were once white :pachaha:and through oxidation became black.
Native Americans were cool with a lot of African slaves because they know where they came from. They still knew their history. A lot of Native American tribes had "black" people in them, they're just not the same Africans structured and of the same phenotype as the ones in west Africa due to a number of factors I can get into another time. But back to the Native Americans. So these tribes has had indigenous black folks scattered among what your typical idea of what a native look like. When the Asians crossed the Bering Strait to the Alaska and further down to the rest of the Americas, they're were already indigenous black people there. I know that may be hard to believe because you've been taught over time they assimilated and they're appearances changed in groups and bundles but they weren't totally gone. That was one of the reasons the natives were cool with us:obama:. They knew of their ancestors and where they came from. It's like a lost cousin. One thing YOU have to keep reminding yourself, these people have not been on Earth as long. Even if you believe that people started migrating out of Africa circa 60,000 years ago, different races really didn't start popping up till much later.Their rituals and way of life was very very similar to our ancestors before they migrated. There had to be a teacher. Someone had to teach them.

Guess who taught them?????:mjpls:


They ( The Western views)do not have all the answers in life.Stop seeking acceptance and be the strong person that you are. Trust your better judgement, your inner voice. Our history is stronger than anyone else of Earth. Don't believe that we didn't contribute anything or much to society but Peanut butter. That's a big lie that gets told time after time, until it became fact for a lot of people. Know yourself and wake up:ufdup:

Thank you for sharing!