The Official Player's Tutorial Thread (PimpCeption)


Jul 19, 2014
This is for all my single brehs or brehs whos' girls told them they want a "break", and a direct rebuttal to the thread about why is it so hard for the average guy to get laid. I'm here for you brehs. I'm not a master at relationships, but I know this player shyt like a book.

By the way. When A girl says she wants a "break" to think things over. What that really means is.

"I want to give another nikka a test drive, and see where things go. But I want you here when I get back, as a safety net, just in case things don't go so smooth and he turns out to be a dikkhead"

Which is why when a "break" turns into a full fledged breakup, they always have a new nikka fast as fukk. He's been there, just waiting in the winds.


I figured, I'd spread the knowledge because someone put me on game when I was younger and I still thank him for it :shaq:

So here we go.

Pimp-ception Tutorial

The first thing I want to say is, privacy is your advantage.

Now you could be on some "I dont give a fukk if they know my business, Im a fukking G" type shyt.

But unless you look like this nikka

You might want to just play it smart brehs. We ain't rich nikkas. We gotta do things the right way :takedat:

Step #1: Abolish or Minimize Social Media Use.

There is no room for social media in the player's game. In this generation having FB/IG/Twitter is just dry snitching on yourself, because everyone knows everything about everyone. Everyone is casually famous. I advise you stay 100% off them or at the very least minimize your use. Women are expert lurkers. One night of FB/IG/TTWR advanced lurking on an active user account can grant them knowledge of your EX, your tendencies, what you ate for dinner last week, your cousins, your homies. And by the end of the night they'll be on your bestfriend's girlfriend's uncle's page and they'll know everything about you. That's a DUB breh. Stay off social media. Let them know you the way you allow them to. Women are territorial, and if you're a good looking breh with his shyt together, they wont hesitate to put the heat on your other women. Stay as private as possible.

Step #2: Understand The Science Of A Roster

Now I saw fellow coli breh @FilliBuster on my other thread talking about fukking with someone who is friends with someone on your roster. Lets get that shyt outta the way now. NO This isnt a fukking movie. That shyt don't work. Women either stick together or sabotage if another woman has something they want. She's either going to tell her friend about you making moves. OR will fukk with you but then put on blast to anyone else she knows on your roster. So all that "cousins and friends" shyt is bullshyt. You don't want them in the same area, or too close to you. Now I live in NYC. It's easy to spread girls out around the city without having them too far. I took the liberty of creating my Thotmap to showcase how spread out they are. I initialed for each piece and marked their respective habitats. The crown represents me.


As you can see, I have the most girls in Manhattan.

I have 3 pieces in Manhattan. 2 in Brooklyn. 2 in Queens. 1 in the Bronx and None on Staten Island right now.

Brooklyn is the biggest borough but easily the most dangerous when building a roster. Everyone knows everyone or someone who knows someone in this gawd damn borough. And some of these bytches have brothers that are straight up CRAZY. Fresh outta jail nikkas looking for a reason.

but in reality, the nikka is CRAZY

(Kratos from God Of War, does look like some crazy
Dominican nikka though:ohhh:)

So I try to keep a low pro out here.

Queens is a goldmine when it comes to building a roster in NYC. Its so spread out and very easy to build without being caught, it doesn't have that "Brooklyn Way" of everyone knowing each other. The neighborhoods are really spread out too. A lot of thotland out there.

Staten Island is too small to build on.

Manhattan is the elite thot-scouting spot. It's not so big but its so busy and so packed that the chances of getting found out is small. Manhattan is almost just one long strip of entertainment. And theres so much going on that the chances of women knowing eachother is small as long as you spread out efficiently. I have a thing in Midtown, a thing in the Lower East Side and a thing in Harlem (she probably got crazy brothers too). They are Spread out beautifully and they all run in different cliques. So it works.

Step #3: Building Your Roster

This part is
easy, and people make it more complicated than it really is. Get in the habit of talking to girls. You're not always going to strike gold, but you will hit something eventually. Whether you're at a Target, Pizza Shop, Starbucks, Urban Outfitters, or wherever, just initiate conversation. Success is when opportunity meets preparation. So Prepare. Understand the things you are going to say. Practice it if you don't have Supreme game, that;s OKAY! Just practice, be confident and understand the worst that you could get is a "no". Nothing more. Everything less. You will not DIE. I promise. Just be cool. And don't get discouraged or take it personal, because every girl that says no just sees you as a stranger. They aren't saying no to (insert your name here). They are saying NO to some random guy in a Pizza shop. Don't let it hit your ego. Forget and move on. Get in the habit of being well dressed. Well dressed doesn't always mean expensive. Be aware of your surroundings, and things that might be conversation starters. I've literally been on the train and asked girls "Are You Okay", and had that lead to a conversation about nothing.

"RM" on the map. She lives in Long Island City, In Queens. I met her in at the end of May at FlightClub in NYC. Which is a sneaker store in the city. She was looking on the Wall for a pair of kicks, and I swear to God, all I said was "Those would look alright on you, but these would look better". And grabbed a pair to show her. (RANDOM PAIR OF SNEAKERS) She said "You think so", I said "Yeah Definitely, I think those would look great you". To which she replied "They might not have my size". I said "Let me find out" I called the guy over and said "Yo my man you guys got this in my girls size" He looked at her and said "What's your size" and she started laughing and blushing. She told him her size, and then she looked at me and said "You live around here?" and that was it. We ended up walking to 14th street and getting coffee and talking.

Just confidence. There is no secret to game. That's a myth. Just confidence and willing women.

Step #4: Maintaining Your Roster

This brehs, is the tricky part. But cha boy got it figured out. The key is to understand that there are 4 phases to every casual relationship.

  • Phase 1 "Just Met"
This is when you first start to talk to a girl and you're going through the getting to know each other. You wanna soften her up. Be the good guy. No you don't have facebook or instagram, or twitter, because you are a man of the world and you like to get shyt DONE. Get her interested. Tell her she's beautiful. And that you're glad you met her. Park Dates, Coffee Dates, Little shyt like that. Get her ready for phase 2

    • Phase 2 "She's interested"
This is when you KNOW for a fact she's wants a piece.You guys are kissing, she's texting you a lot. But you aren't TOO available because you should be busy working on your other phase 1's. But you know for a fact that shes down for phase 3. She might even start referring to you as "babe" at this point.

    • Phase 3 "Casual Sex, Casual Dates"
This is where you want to keep it. This is where everyone needs to be. It's the best phase. Just casual sex and good vibes. No titles though. She's comfortable enough now that she's giving it up and probably wants to see more of you. But you have to maintain your position. "I don't know if I can handle something serious" Don't be rude about it, because you want her to feel welcomed. You don't wanna make feel dispensable. Make her feel wanted, but not an option. She has to want you in a way that she can't. And that's going to make her stick it out for as long as her pride will allow her too.

    • Phase 4 "She Needs More"
End of the fukking line breh. This is the dreaded step. Its almost inevitable too. You want to keep them on Phase 3 as long as possible, but it will end eventually. What you want to do here is make it SEEM like you want Phase 4 too, but that you're just not ready for it. Let her think she's on the offensive because if you don't budge from your position, SHE WILL END IT. And that's good. Because if she ends it then its on HER conscience that maybe she could have been more patient. Don't call her. Don't hit her up. You might be able to drag her right back down to phase 3.

Step #5: Pimp-Ception

The main key to it is having balance. You should always have some phase 1's ready for when the phase 4's are heading out. You need to always have backups to backup the backup. But never an overabundance because you don't want to put in TOO MUCH work. Don't go around dissing women to prove a point or to feed your ego It'll backfire.

Each one has to feel like the only one, and there's nothing wrong with that as long as you don't go past phase 4. Thats when you start playing with hearts. And that shyt comes back breh. The reason you don't want to hurt girls or expose your game is the same reason that the real drug cartels don't go rapping about it on track. Because if you know that you know the game, there's no reason to talk about it. Work in the shadows, leave the spotlight to the frauds. Most of the cats who talk about how much bytches they get, do it for their egos and not because it's true.

Once you've mastered the steps above. The Last Step is to Enjoy yourself. When you have a bunch of Phase 3s you've completed the process. No one is considered on the Roster until Phase 3. The ones on my ThotMap are all Phase 2s and 3s.

Use Protection, And Enjoy yourself brehs. It's a wonderful life. And even though I might be turning my player card in soon, it doesn't hurt to help the brehs, because someone helped me some time ago.



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The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
Skimmed thru it, I smell piffery brehs:whoo:


Choppers For Karate Nggas
Jun 27, 2012
Also my nikka you need to expand #3 the step about how to actually get hoes.

I mean really my nikka you tryna make me a pimp and the only advice to get hoes you tell me is to go talk to them :childplease::childplease:
Nikkas need to be spoon fed the game and shyt , It need some exact words and shyt


Jul 19, 2014
Also my nikka you need to expand #3 the step about how to actually get hoes.

I mean really my nikka you tryna make me a pimp and the only advice to get hoes you tell me is to go talk to them :childplease::childplease:
Nikkas need to be spoon fed the game and shyt , It need some exact words and shyt

Breh. 90% of the time. It's that easy. There's an aura around bytches that they are so sacred and so mysterious. It's just not true. THey aren't. Their people. I'll expand though.


Choppers For Karate Nggas
Jun 27, 2012
Breh. 90% of the time. It's that easy. There's an aura around bytches that they are so sacred and so mysterious. It's just not true. THey aren't. Their people. I'll expand though.

On second thought I lie my nikka its perfect the way it is , cause some shyt you said might have actually just changed my life :wow:

They aren't saying no to (insert your name here). They are saying NO to some random guy in a Pizza shop.



Jul 19, 2014
On second thought I lie my nikka its perfect the way it is , cause some shyt you said might have actually just changed my life :wow:

They aren't saying no to (insert your name here). They are saying NO to some random guy in a Pizza shop.


:blessed: We're all in this together breh. I had to sit back and realize one day that these women don't even know us, yet we take shyt so personal .

I wish this could get sticky'd for the homies. But fukk it .


Catch Up
Jun 1, 2014
How do you keep from getting bored breh? Like my hoes like them good morning text and shyt but I don't like doing that shyt everyday. I'm also introverted so I have to make myself communicate with them sometimes just cause I know I should but don't be feeling like it


Jul 19, 2014
How do you keep from getting bored breh? Like my hoes like them good morning text and shyt but I don't like doing that shyt everyday. I'm also introverted so I have to make myself communicate with them sometimes just cause I know I should but don't be feeling like it

To be honest? I get it from the thrill of the game. Like I dont know breh. It's just something about knowing you got a roster of women that just makes you feel good. Having multiple women on your dikk that's just beautiful.
And plus I done met some interesting ones. Some that if I wasn't on some player shyt, I might really fukk with.

And I'm someone who actually likes talking. I like hearing about people's backgrounds. It's interesting to me. I'm an introvert myself, due to things in my past. But when you doing it for thrill of the game, and NOT because you worried about keeping someone around. It's better. When I'm on my player shyt, I dont worry about keeping someone around, or keeping someone satisfied, and I think that lack of fear of someone leaving, makes everything less stressful, more fun, and less boring.

In relationships, you're worried about giving someone too much time. Like "man I hope I didnt give this bytch 3 years of my life for no reason" When you doing this player shyt, it's more like you're just mixing and matching pieces. Phase 4 is all the initmate shyt. Prior to that it's perfect.

It's basically how when you first dating someone, and there's that honeymoon phase, but then when you start OFFICIALLY Dating it cools off and you're like tired of seeing them eventually? It's that feeling all the time with multiple women. All the good shyt before the stress of wanting to keep someone around.
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Jul 19, 2014
"unless you look like this nikka":russ:
nikka please

Lol, I don't see the hype with the boy, but bytches love that nikka. The point is, unless you're some super suave nikka that bytches won't care if their not the only one as long as their getting the "opportunity" to fukk with you, then you need to be smart.